- 与 那就是 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk, he then flies m art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of baits, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head, but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all coveted with dust,through the sweepings of the finest lady's chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity Partial judges that we are of our own excellencies, and other men's defaults!
The former is a narration which deifies and heroizes revolutionary history, the latter is to secularize and mortalize revolutionary history. But there has long been a historical narration which tries its best to reconcile or...
That's why you're better at spiking, and slamming than me.
Has replaced the map already using neutral building to replace a landform to block up the opening li , in fact now unitariness, has increased the opening this has been changed more or less playing but has played with nature and view and admire.
Perhaps the most helpful sign is to say 'Look, be prepared to ask questions of yoursel ves of your members in parliament and everybody else who's likely to have influence particularly in London government.' It's a start, that is as much as you can possibly say.
EEG Pori others to receive from the electromagnetic data will be written only by the use of specific organs, This usually specific electromagnetic sense organ is the organ, vision and hearing organs.
The most abashing one,may be the awareness of the darkness that prevail over light.
"You are diminished in your understanding of your eternal spirit. That is all, and yet it is everything. It is a condition that besets everyone who is honored to wear a human form in the fields of timespace时空. Why should you be any different?"
She once gave me the option of choosing to either love her parents the way I love her or not and be separated with her, guess what' I decided to love just her and no one else' yes I guess you think I'm sick, she connived with her dad to ruin me, but God was on my side and they lost, I would say the battle is over but I won all through, we got divorced and I got what was more important to me than anything, my son.
The Hunspell dictionary maintainers have done a great job creating high-quality dictionaries that anybody can use, but one of the problems with any dictionary is that there are inevitably omissions, especially as new words appear or proper nouns come into common use. We at Google are in a good position to use our knowledge of the internet to identify and fix some of these omissions. The Google translation team used their language models to generate a sorted list of the most popular words in each language. This was cross-checked with the Hunspell dictionaries to generate a list of the top 1000 words not present in each dictionary. This list includes many popular words, but also common misspellings. To remove these words, each list was reviewed by specialist in that language. Generally, we tried to keep proper nouns and even foreign words as long as they were in common usage.
Hunspell字典维护人员已经完成了一项伟大的工作,那就是创建了一个高质量的可供任何人使用的字典但是所有的字典都存在一个不可避免的问题就是词条的遗漏,特别是新出现的名词和专有名词开始广泛使用的时候我们这些在Google工作的人可以很好地使用我们的网络知识来识别并确定一些遗漏 Google翻译团队使用他们的网络模型来为每一种语言产生一个排好序的最流行词汇表它与Hunspell词典相互检验然后生成每一个字典都没有的最流行的1000个单词的列表这个列表包含了许google地球免费多流行词汇,但是也包括了常见的错别字为了删掉这些词,每一个列表都要经过语言专家的审查一般来说,我们试图包含常用的专有名词甚至是外语词汇
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).