英语人>网络例句>那么 相关的搜索结果


与 那么 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As you can see, if the premises are true, then it simply isn't possible for the conclusion to be false.


I saw a little girl who was fanning for me with a fan in her hand when I turned around.


Accordingly,two rules for intent reduction are proposed.If a concept node has only one father concept node,then the intent reduction is formed by the difference sets of its attributes set and its father's attribute set.If a concept has several father concepts,then the intent reduction is formed by two attributes inherited from any two different fathers.


"Now don't get cynical," Martin exhorted. The magazine editors are not wholly fatuous. I know that.


At first, I feel a little funny, thinking, how this person ah, the handle can be pulled open after came, and then turn around and do not have to flower, and it is necessary for the penny to the vase so precious to break it?


If you have boyfriend but he is not a man of Ganzhou. Then you should leave him immediately. If your boyfriend is a man of Ganzhou. You should felicitate you are so lucky to have the hot product! But you also must take good care of him .Or he will be robbed by other girls!


How delightful it was to get such splendid opportunities of hinting that if his life had been sanctified by an object, he might indeed have striven to be something better than an idle flaneur upon the smooth pathways that have no particular goal; that, blessed by the ties which would have given a solemn purpose to every hour of his existence, he might indeed have fought the battle earnestly and unflinchingly.


Good work does not resemble foot-binding cloth certainly so long, not fixed investment is so much, but the reflection that can cause people however.


I got on Board the Ship, as before, and prepar'd a second Raft, and having had Experience of the first, I neither made this so unwieldy, nor loaded it so hard, but yet I brought away several Things very useful to me; as first, in the Carpenter's Stores I found two or three Bags full of Nails and Spikes, a great Skrew-Jack, a Dozen or two of Hatchets, and above all, that most useful Thing call'd a Grindstone; all these I secur'd together, with several Things belonging to the Gunner, particularly two or three Iron Crows, and two Barrels of Musquet Bullets, seven Musquets, and another fowling Piece, with some small Quantity of Powder more; a large Bag full of small Shot, and a great Roll of Sheet Lead: But this last was so heavy, I could not hoise it up to get it over the Ship's Side.


I got on Board the Ship, as before, and prepar'd a second Raft, and having had Experience of the first, I neither made this so unweildy, nor loaded it so hard, but yet I brought away several Things very useful to me; as first, in the Carpenter's Stores I found two or three Bags full of Nails and Spikes, a great Skrew-Jack,* a Dozen or two of Hatchets, and above all, that most useful Thing call'd a Grindstone; all these I secur'd together, with several Things belonging to the Gunner, particularly two or three Iron Crows,* and two Barrels of Musquet Bullets, seven Musquets, and another fowling Piece, with some small Quantity of Powder more; a large Bag full of small Shot, and a great Roll of Sheet Lead: But this last was so heavy, I could not hoise* it up to get it over the Ship's Side.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
