英语人>网络例句>那不勒斯的 相关的搜索结果


与 那不勒斯的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have spent two days in visiting the remarkable places in the country round it, such as the bay of Baya, and its remains of antiquity; the lake Avernus, and the Solfatara, Charon's grotto, etc., We have been in the Sybil's cave and many other strange holes under ground (I only name them because you may consult Sandy's travels); but the strangest hole I ever was in, has been today at a place called Portici, where his Sicilian Majesty has a country seat.


Their protests are frequently backed, if not orchestrated, by Campania's powerful organised-crime group, the Camorra, which makes succulent profits from disposing of waste in illegal dumps.

他们的抗议背后通常有坎帕尼亚力量强大的有组织犯罪团伙克莫拉(译注:Camorra ,1820年前后在意大利那不勒斯组成的一个秘密团体,一度发展成颇有势力的政治组织,后因从事诈骗、抢劫等非法恐怖活动而被取缔[1911])-它通过在非法垃圾场处理垃圾而获得丰厚利润-的支持,如果不是由它精心策划的话。

In Campania, the region around Naples, the opposition's share of the vote plunged from 62% to 43%—a damning judgment on ten years of left-wing administration.


They had vowed the ruin of that order, which they always found blocking their way, and in order to attain their end they successively induced Catholic princes and ministers in Portugal, France, Spain, Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the Duchy of Parma, and elsewhere to join hands with the worst leaders of impiety and philosophism.


Located in the enchanting green hills of Sorrento Peninsula , overlooking the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno , Hotel Prestige stands out for its modern and elegant design .


This was followed by one in Rome, Santa Maria della Scala, destined to become the nursery of a new congregation and the living example of perfect observance, and another at Naples.

在此之后,由一个在罗马,圣玛丽亚della Scala的,注定要成为幼儿园的一个新的聚集和活生生的例子完美的纪念,另一个位于那不勒斯。

The Chinese jeunesse dorée of Shanghai frequents the Glamour Bar at No 5, and it is a pleasure to pop up to the sixth floor of some superannuated finance house to have a cappuccino high above the hubbub – rather like taking a break, say, as you explore the Neapolitan waterfront.


If Bonaparte landed at Naples, the whole coalition would be on foot before he could even reach Piomoino; if he land in Tuscany, he will be in an unfriendly territory; if he land in France, it must be with a handful of men, and the result of that is easily foretold, execrated as he is by the population. Take courage, sir; but at the same time rely on our royal gratitude.


They had vowed the ruin of that order, which they always found blocking their way, and in order to attain their end they successively induced Catholic princes and ministers in Portugal, France, Spain, Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the Duchy of Parma, and elsewhere to join hands with the worst leaders of impiety and philosophism.


His sketchbook was accordingly crowded with cottages, and landscapes, and obscure ruins; but he had neglected to paint St. Peter's, or the Coliseum; the cascade of Terni, or the bay of Naples; and had not a single glacier or volcano in his whole collection.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
