英语人>网络例句>那不勒斯的 相关的搜索结果


与 那不勒斯的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the seaport city Naples in 1948,the designer karl Remo Gianne opened a tailor store dressmaking for the local nobles near the Mediterranean and got common recognition with his exquisite craft.


Under pretext of escaping the unhealthy heat of Rome, they withdrew in May to Anagni, and in July to Fondi, under the protection of Queen Joanna of Naples and two hundred Gascon lances of Bernardon de la Salle.

根据借口逃避不健康热的罗马,他们撤回了在5月至anagni ,并在7月至fondi保护下的皇后乔安娜的那不勒斯和200 gascon长矛的bernardon喇沙。

The Bonaparte family held the crowns of Emperor of France: Napoleon I, II, III; King of Holland: Louis I, II; King of Naples: Joseph I, Joachim I; King of Westphalia: Jerome I; King of Spain: Joseph I; Grand Duchess of Tuscany: Elisa Bonaparte.


Now she is on the table in the drawing-room, they put two card tables together, the coffin will be here tomorrow - white, pure white "gros de Naples"- but that's not it ... I keep walking about, trying to explain it to myself.


Now IT is on the table in the drawing-room, them put two card tables togetIT, the coffin will be ITe tomorrow - chalkiness, pure chalkiness "gros de Naples"- but those's not it ... I hold walking about, trying to explain it to myself.


With these moderate views, Augustus stationed two permanent fleets in the most convenient ports of Italy, the one at Ravenna, on the Adriatic, the other at Misenum, in the Bay of Naples.


Cover the bottom of the dish with Naples biscuits, and macaroons broken in halves, wet with brandy and white wine poured over them, cover them with patches of raspberry jam, fill the dish with a good custard, then whip up a syllabub, drain the froth on a sieve, put it on the custard and strew comfits over all.

罩底部的菜与那不勒斯饼干,和macaroons打破半,潮湿,白兰地酒和白葡萄酒倒了他们,包括他们的补丁树莓果酱,填补菜具有良好吉士,然后掀起syllabub ,排水渠在泡沫的筛子,把它的蛋糕和肸糖果所有。

What is to be said, then, when this handful of protesters is compared to the whole of the Churches of England, the Low Countries, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Naples, Savoy, Portugal, Spain, etc., which, on being requested to pronounce, did so by proscribing the appeal as an act of schism and foolish revolt?


Schilling, who is 36, was monitoring his sites from the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Fla., where he and his family had been living since Hurricane Ivan leveled their house in the Cayman Islands a month earlier.

这是2004 年10月5日的晚上,36岁的席林正在佛罗里达州那不勒斯市的丽嘉酒店监测他的网站。

December 3, 1997, in Naples, Italy, UNESCO World Heritage Committee held 21 sessions of the General Assembly decided in the ancient city of Pingyao ancient city wall, Guanya, markets, residential areas, temples as a whole included in the "World Heritage List," it is Study on China's political, economic, cultural, artistic and religious development of in-kind specimens.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
