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There is a good reason why Naples is known by many as the Golf Capitol of the World.


Chapter 1 Marseilles--The Arrival 第一章船到马赛 ON THE 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.


Point the car north and head for the National Audubon Society's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary (941-657-3771), an 11,000-acre wilderness preserve just 20 miles from Naples.


Tonight at 8.30pm at ostuni is in program Milan-Lecce, tomorrow at the same time, at Taranto, Milan-Taranto.


His father, Alessandro Scarlatti, was a member of the Neaplolitan School of the opera and has been credited with being among its most skilled members.


And if someone should say: King Louis ceded Romagna to Alexander and the Kingdom to Spain to avoid a war, I reply with the reasons given above: that a disorder should never be allowed to continue so as to avoid a war, because that is not to avoid it but to defer it to your disadvantage.

果有 人提出疑问说,路易国王把罗马格纳让给亚历山大,把那不勒斯王国交由西班牙宰割,为的是避免战争,那我就以前边陈述的理由作为回答:绝对不该为了避免战争而纵容祸端蔓延,因为这样不会避免战争,只是拖延时间罢了,结果会造成不利的局面。

From it came forth a pope as great a contrast to this passionate, unbalanced Neapolitan as could be imagined, Gian Angelo de' Medici, a Milanese, who took the name Pius IV.


In Naples began 100 pen-and-ink illustrations for Petronius" Satyricon" Visits to South Kensington Museum stimulated interest in ship models; made sketches of models in the Museum's collection.


Or I can sit down in History and read the first chapter of a charming treatise on the complex language of hand gestures in high Renaissance Naples.


Slices of margherita pizza fresh from the authentic wood-fired oven are a must to try - founder chef Salvatore Cuomo, won Napoli's Pizzafest, the 'world cup' for pizza-makers, for three years running.

而烧木烧烤炉里新鲜出炉的玛格丽匹萨是宾客必点的一道菜,创始厨师Salvatore Cuomo连续三年在素有烘饼制作&世界杯&之称的意大利那不勒斯匹萨节上赢得大奖。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
