英语人>网络例句>道德 相关的搜索结果


与 道德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We must distinguish, at least prima facie, between what is morally good or morally right and what is good in a nonmoral sense; between the morally good life and a life that is desirable, good, or worthwhile in itself in the sense in which a pleasant, happy, contemplative life, or a life of excellent activity or exercises of one's powers, may and have been said to be the good life; in this sense it is not a pleonasm to say, as many have, that the morally virtuous life is the good or best life.


This theory had three main parts. First, based on the DIT, they rectified the DIT1 and constructed the DIT2. Second, in accordance with the factor analysis on the responses to the DIT, they postulated three moral schemas (the personal interest schema, the maintaining norm schema and the postconventional schema) instead of stages with distinct justice operations. Third, in light of the double classification(the moral schema predominance and the moral schema mixture), they produced six moral types.


This theory had three main parts.First, based on the DIT, they rectifed the DIT1 and constructed the DIT2. Second, in accordancewith the factor analysis on the responses to the DIT, they postulated three moral schemas (thepersonal interest schema, the maintaining norm schema and the postconventional schema) insteadof stages with distinct justice operations.'Third, in light of the double classification(the moralschema predominance and the moral schema mixture), they produced six moral types.

它主要有三部分内容:第一,莱斯特等人以确定问题测验为方法基础,着手对最初的确定问题测验版本进行修订,形成了新的确定问题测验版本(DIT2 ):第二,他们在对大量的DIT反应进行因素分析的基础上,得出三个道德图式,即个人利益图式、保持规范图式和后习俗图式,由此将科尔伯格的阶段论改造为道德图式论:第三,莱斯特等人根据道德图式在人们头脑中的优势及其混合两种分类标准,将个体分为六种类型,建构了道德类型论。

The morals and the law all belong to social the overtop structure, the moral legalization is basic has these reflections society the universal moral value to perform law, Is helpful for the morals internalizes human behavior.


This article through the Confucian said that two kind of contradictory moral values and the moral psychology's compatible paragenesis's discussion, showed the national morals structure is the cultural main body which at heart can move, it definitely may contain the multi-dimensional even contradictory morals.


In a word, to pose the question of "why" ontologically and to expound "what it is" epistemologically and to probe into "how to do" pedagogically constitute the three-dimensional state of the rationality moral curriculum, sensibility moral curriculum and action moral curriculum of moral education in school.


Personally , he was an intellectual moralist , and more offending to him than platitudinous pomposity was the morality of those about him , which was a curious hotchpotch of the economic , the metaphysical , the sentimental , and the imitative .


It also makes moral preachment a necessity, and makes the moral education isolated fromthe world of everyday life.


Political or moral utilitarianism and aesthetic utilitarianism are the two main traditions in modern Chinese aesthetics. The former considers aesthetics and art to be tools for political struggles or moral preachment, and requires them to "serve"directly for political or moral purposes, while the latter, taking aesthetics for the sake of life, or thus a life concept of aesthetics, is against the consideration of aesthetics and art to be tools for politics or morality, and requires them to affect intrinsically the improvement of life state. Liang Qichao is the direct ideological source in the end of the 19〓 century for the former, while Wang Guowei the founder for the latter.


The history of Probabilism is given under this title, suffice it to say here that from the middle of the seventeenth century when the violent discussion of this question begins, the development of moral theology coincides with that of Probabilism and of other Probabilistic systems; although these systems touch only a small portion of morals and of moral truths and nothing is farther from the truth than the opinion, so wide-spread among the adversaries of Catholic morals, that Probabilism gave a new shape and a new spirit to the whole of moral theology.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
