英语人>网络例句>道德 相关的搜索结果


与 道德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In terms of teachers' moral behaviors, we should distinguish between their moral and amoral behaviors, between moral and immoral behaviors.


Two conditions: the loss of moral certainty and the shift of the moral world fro m apriorism to reality.

从康 德和黑格尔对道德世界主观性的审查看,道德世界观的转变有赖于两个条件:道德确实性之丧失、道德世界从先验预设转向生活世界。

On the basis of succeeding our predeceases' scientific experience in moral teaching, this research report, through repeated discussions and practice, expounds the content and requirement of the moral enlightment education in maths teaching in primary schools and establishes the modals for classroom teaching so as to cultivate pupils' moral quality, moral ability and moral kehavior.


Main moral supply depends on current, to be politics, economy, and social culture inside information, ways to propagandizing infusion.


As far as moral education is concerned, Noddings doubts the cognitive pattern of moral education dominated by scientism, cognitivism, and male-centered cultural tradition. Her caring moral education theory stresses the respect for each student's life, the emphasis on students' feeling and experiencing, the highlighting of teachers' function as caring models, and the insistence in practicing; meanwhile, her theory has raised four approaches to moral education, namely, modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation.


As far as moral education is concerned, Noddings doubts the cognitive pattern of education of morality dominated by scientism, cognitivism, and male-centered cultural tradition. Her caring moral education theory stresses the respect for each student"s life, the emphasis on students" feeling and experiencing, the highlighting of teachers function as caring models, and the insistence in practicing; meanwhile, her theory has raised four approaches to moral education, namely, modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation.


From May 4th Movement of 1919 to the 1920s, sex love narrations in Chinese novels were rather an enlightenment and liberation in that particular era with four characteristics. Firstly, sexual desire was endowed with rationality with regard to liberation of human nature and mutual love. Secondly, with an epochal concern for a stronger and superior race, greater attention was paid to sexual parties concerned, mainly physically. Thirdly, new ethics on sex were promoted in that personal freedom on sex love was emphasized and sex love became an important way of self-fulfillment. Therefore, independence of sex love was advocated and the scope of sex love was also widened. Fourthly, the sex consciousness of this period had the mixed features of the past and the contemporary. Sex love narrations in the 1930s and 1940s showed a further exploration on the theme of human nature. First of all, sex was restored to a kind of desire. ShenCongwen probed the importance of harmonious sex love to a sound personality and Shi Zhecunrevealed that sexual inhibition could lead to the distortion, even frenzy of human nature. Bothexplored the influence and functions of sexual desire as human nature upon human personality,giving prominence to the irresistibleness of sexual desire and the significance of sexual desire asa motive. Then, human bodies driven by sexual desire were described and given greater attentionto. Next, ethics on sex were deconstructed either by Shen Congwen who opposed man-madeethics with law of nature and the School of New Sensation who replaced traditional ethics on sexwith exchange rules in consumption, or by Shi Zhecun who spared no efforts in representing thecomplete failure of social rules, including ethics on sex, due to the impact from sexual desire.The direct effect was a paleness of the ethical binding force on sex. Last, sex consciousness inthe works of female writers emerged. In the early works of Ding Ling, the sexual desire of thefemale is no longer a ramification of emotion but an independent one. In addition, in the sex lovenarrations of other female writers, such as Mei Niang, strong self-consciousness on the socialstatus of the female is also reflected. Sex love narrations in the late 1970s and early 1980s wereactually a re-enlightenment in the spirit of humanism, whose major features include humanisticlegitimation of sex love within the boundary of ethics, a blend of sex love narrations withnational concepts and national myths as well as the aesthetic, poetic descriptions of humanbodies etc. In the middle and late 1980s, sex love narrations entered a stage of exploration forpluralism. First, by restoration of sexual desire, writers of this era restored human nature, thevery original state of human being. Different emphasis and tendencies could be seen in differentwriters: looking at sex love dialectically and trying to describe its creative as well as destructivecharacteristics; connecting sex love with violence and trying to reveal the evil side of humannature through it; emphasizing the creativeness of sex love especially in the heritage of"wildness".


After the end of the World War Ⅱ, both countries were forced by the United States to abolish the subject of self-perfecting and to introduce the social subject as the vehicle for the moral education.


It can be divided into different kinds from different point of view .In this paper, we classify it into several types from three angle, among these, one is the standpoint and attitude to the system of a certain social morality that the moral personality embodies; another is the moral state of moral subject; and the other is the self-perfecting and the healthy condition of moral personality.


The other concerns the means suggested for educating this person and rational for the recommended means. Basing on the philosophical theory of the relationship between knowledge and morality and the fact that efforts inmany countries engaged in a direct training of the will disregard students intellectual development, Maritain not discusses the direct and indirect moral formation but makes an important distinction between the educational tasks of school and those of family and church.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
