英语人>网络例句>道德 相关的搜索结果


与 道德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, the relationship between performance in the interest of justice and facility is that the justice is overweigh the facility..


With regard to the direct influence on the morality, the school is involved in premoral training, which is not with morality but rather with the preparation of the person for moral education.


Sustainable development is the strategetic decision after rationally thinking of the societies present and in the future.


All of these eliminate obstacles for the foundation of space of moral liberty , which will provide a series of experience standards . It will achieve its significance tabling a proposal for the ethic decision-making.


Two works may here find mention which enjoyed a wider circulation than any other book on moral theology and which are frequently used even today: the Scavini's "Theologia moralis universa", and the shorter "Compendium theologi moralis" by Jean-Pierre Gury, together with the numerous revisions which appeared in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and North America.

两件作品可以在这里找到提及享有更广泛的流通比任何其他书的道德神学,这是经常使用即使在今天:该Scavini的&神学道德通用&,以及较短的&简神学道德&的让皮埃尔Gury ,连同众多的修改出现在法国,德国,意大利,西班牙,和北美。

Other than the general functions of regulation and restriction, adjustment and harmonization, guidance and inspiration etc., the official morals has such specific functions of its own as improving administrative activity and thereofelevating the efficiency of administration, promoting the moral makings of officials and thereof reinforcing the construction of uncorrupt administration, and meliorating the social ethos and thereof accelerating the construction of spiritual civilization.


A time always comes at which the moral principles originally adopted have been carried out to all their legitimate consequences, and then the system founded on them becomes as rigid, as unexpansive, and as liable to fall behind moral progress as the sternest code of rules avowedly legal.


But the morality is in principle not quantifiable and untestable speculation, few researchers investigate the practical research on relevant morality cognition. The research method employs Social Judgment Theory,(SJT, Hammond, 1975) to investigate that Kaohsiung city citizen think about multiple attributes relevant information to reflect morality cognition of fairness or careness in the everyday life. The aim is to prove the abstract concept of morality judgment, provide the base of empirical structure in the future study, and reflect individuality society structure state.

本研究以社会判断(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)为研究方法,探讨高雄市民众在日常生活运作中,必须同时考虑多个相关属性资讯,依本身价值体系直觉认知对於日常公、私事务作价值判断,成为日常生活最基本的现象,藉由道德认知代验证公平或关怀的抽象观,提供未道德研究的实证架构,以及从个体同的道德认知判断的结果反映所在社会生活域结构。

At present,our state confront with two great task in the area of the law construction:firstly,the domestic law system should connect with WTO,hormonally and untidily;secondly,the law must keep steps with the development of our country,deserving the present socialism moral and cause the two aspects to be in hormone,and make our socialism law possess with more spacious moral basis and the inner of the human nature.In that case,our socialism law can does represent the most advanced direction of our country's l...

当今我国的法制建设已经面临着两大任务:一是国内法律体系与 WTO 的衔接、协调与统一,使国内法接受WTO 的检测并与国际接轨;二要与国内接轨,要求现行的法律接受新时期社会主义道德的检测,使得我国的法律与社会主义道德相协调,并使我国的社会主义法律具有更加广阔的道德基础与人性内涵,从而使我国社会主义法律真正代表我国法律文化的最先进的方向。

At present,our state confront with two great task in the area of the law construction:firstly,the domestic law system should connect with WTO,hormonally and untidily;secondly,the law must keep steps with the development of our country,deserving the present socialism moral and cause the two aspects to be in hormone,and make our socialism law possess with more spacious moral basis and the inner of the human nature.In that case,our socialism law can does represent the most advanced direction of our country's law culture.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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We all hope for a better life.
