英语人>网络例句>道义 相关的搜索结果


与 道义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When those with civic responsibility or professional obligations purport to be our moral keepers, our standard-setters, our selves writ large and best -- and take the public salaries and social prestige that go with it -- but deliberately and callously ignore what they preach, we lose to moral bankruptcy the nobility of soul we have elsewhere insisted is the common coinage of the culture.


They should feel a moral responsibility to get involved in the movement against the exploitative capitalistic economic system.


Such a people centric attitude of viewing moral responsibilities from business perspective is detrimental to the survival of humanity.


For Mr Singh, it is a moral imperative to change this state of affairs.


After a fight or two no one cared to bully me. Anyone who dared to taunt me with "Chinky, Chinky Chinaman!"


Public service's inevitability and reasons root in factors such as the existence of public goods, the values of charity and fraternity, the compact relation between government and citizens, the pursuit of social coacervation, and the economic purpose of "demand creates supply" As a public role for government and some other relative organizations, the framework of public service is at least composed of elemental structure, financing, policy assessment, production and offering, and supervision on its quality


The Apostle, who was captive at Rome, was informed by Epaphras of the dogmatic and moral errors that had come to light in Coloss Colossae aelig; and the neighbouring cities, in churches of which he was not the founder.

使徒,谁是圈养在罗马,告诉Epaphras的教条和道义上的错误,已经到了轻Coloss Colossae aelig ;和邻近城市的教堂,而他不是创始人。

A Commission had been sent out to gather or concoct enough scandal to justify confiscation on moral grounds.


As to the interesting controversy whether the incompatibility of grace and sin rests on merely moral, or physical, or metaphysical contrariety, refer to Pohle ("Lehrbuch der Dogmatik", II 511 sqq., Paderborn, 1909); Scheeben Die Myst.

以一个有趣的争议是否不相容的恩典和单落在只是道义上,或身体上,或形而上的矛盾,是指pohle (" lehrbuch明镜dogmatik ",二511 sqq ,帕德博恩, 1909年); scheeben

Countering critics who say decriminalization would lead to a decline in public morals Ms. Li points to the 1997 abolition of the laws against "hooliganism" long a punishable catch-all term for sex outside marriage and "counterrevolution."


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
