英语人>网络例句>道义 相关的搜索结果


与 道义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before the Stoics, the Cynics, both in theory and in practice, had based their rules of conduct on the principle that nothing natural can be morally wrong.


As " Notre-Dame de Paris " done of the romantic literature model Morality and justice and symbol of intuitive knowledge not merely, purity with kindhearted place, faith, harbour that pursue and castigate to " evil " and to the " beautiful " witness in images sung the praises of, and has represented that blindly, simply, odd-shaped, primitively vividly --Love.


3"It may not be a legal debt , but it is a personal one," Roti replied."It is a debt of honor."


Honor was a trait handed down from generation to generation in the Roti family.

道义是罗迪家中世传的美德。5。 noun (产品、系统发展中的前后过程的)代,同一时期的产品;具有某些相同经历、信仰、态度等的一代人

The first were in good faith pretty much what the fins Jansénistes were by system and tactics: they appear to us as convinced adversaries of necessitating grace, but no less sincere defenders of efficacious grace; rigorists in moral and sacramental questions, often opposed, like the Parlementarians, to the rights of the Holy See; generally favourable to the innovations of the sect in matters of worship and discipline.

第一次是在诚意相当什麼鱼翅Jansénistes是由系统和战术:他们似乎相信我们的对手有必要宽限期,但同样真诚地捍卫有效的宽限期; rigorists在道义上和圣事的问题,往往反对,如Parlementarians ,权利的罗马教廷;一般有利於创新的事项节的礼拜和纪律。

The first were in good faith pretty much what the fins Jansénistes were by system and tactics: they appear to us as convinced adversaries of necessitating grace, but no less sincere defenders of efficacious grace; rigorists in moral and sacramental questions, often opposed, like the Parlementarians, to the rights of the Holy See; generally favourable to the innovations of the sect in matters of worship and discipline.

第一人,诚意相当什么鱼翅jansénistes分别由系统和战术:他们在我们看来,作为说服对手的必要的宽限期,但不低于真诚的维护者有效的宽限期; rigorists在道义上和圣事的问题,经常反对,就像parlementarians ,权利教廷;普遍有利于创新的该教派在事项的崇拜和纪律。

Beneathhis awkward desire to be a gentleman and advance socially,Pipis obsessed with ideas of guilt,innocence,and moral obliga-tion.going aU the way back to his first encounter with theconvict in the marsh.


I would say, yes -- though a two-year suspension for a first offense seems awfully harsh to me. But, morally and emotionally, I'm more concerned about the PEDs that deprive clean athletes of medals and rankings points and roster spots and glory and, yes, money.


Should papal pressure go beyond the limits of the council's dignity and of the importance of the matters under discussion the effect would be, not the invalidation of the council's decrees, but the paralysing of its moral influence and practical usefulness.


Helping the neediest in a time of crisis, through expanded health and unemployment benefits, is the morally right thing to do; it's also a far more effective form of economic stimulus than cutting the capital gains tax.


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We all hope for a better life.
