英语人>网络例句>道义 相关的搜索结果


与 道义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But it is an error to suppose that our grave forefathers- though accustomed to speak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial and warfare, and though unfeignedly prepared to sacrifice goods and life at the behest of duty- made it a matter of conscience to reject such means of comfort, or even luxury, as lay fairly within their grasp.


Furthermore, that Adam in the state of innocence could sin venially; that mortal sin, as an offence against God, is not intrinsically and simpliciter, but only extrinsically infinite; that Christ would have become man, even if Adam had not sinned; that the human nature of Christ had its proper created existence; that in Christ there were two filiationes, or sonships, a human and a Divine; that the sacraments have only moral causality; that, formally and in the last analysis, heavenly bappiness consists not in the visio Dei, but in the fruitio; that in hell venial sin is not punished with everlasting punishment; etc.

此外,该亚当在该州的无罪推定可以罪孽venially ;的弥天大罪,作为一个犯罪行为的上帝,没有本质和simpliciter ,但只有extrinsically无限;基督将成为男子,即使亚当没有犯过罪;的人性基督了其应有的建立存在;,在基督有两个filiationes ,或sonships ,人力和神圣;的圣礼只有道义上的因果关系;说,正式的和在过去的分析,天上不会bappiness组成的的Visio上帝,但在fruitio ;,在地狱venial罪孽不是惩罚永恒的处罚等

The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous .


Their principal utility is in affording an opportunity on voir dire examination to impress upon the witness his moral duty.


Wainwright was aware that everything he had done so far represented a reversal of his moral standards, a negation of his belief in law and order


You also agree to waive your moral rights in such material.


How strange and wellnigh incredible does it seem that so prodigious a moral and material transformation as has taken place since then could have been accomplished in so brief an interval!


The moral of the story is that if your family resolutely refuses wholemeal, you can stop feeling bad about opting for the "refined" version of the staff of life, because it has nutritional merits too.


It is a thousand pities that moral obligations and spiritual motives exist, that are not easily compatible with the calm mediocrity of a work-shy existence.


As she accepts her 2008 TED Prize, author and scholar Karen Armstrong talks about how the Abrahamic religions — Islam, Judaism, Christianity — have been diverted from the moral purpose they share to foster compassion.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
