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与 逾越 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.


On the eve of Passover the lessons of the Exodus story, recited over the wine and the maah, are given greater prominence than the paschal lamb Pes.

逾越节前夕的教训出埃及记的故事,朗诵了葡萄酒和maah ,给出了更加突出的比逾越节羔羊

There are additional dietary restrictions during Pesach, and many foods that are kosher for year-round use are not kosher for Passover.


For, whereas the school of Shammai is said to have allowed a proselyte who was circumcised on the eve of the Passover, to partake after baptism of the Passover, 1 The case supposed by the school of Shammai would, however, have been impossible, since, according to Rabbinic directions, a certain time must have elapsed between circumcision and baptism.

为,而学校的Shammai据说已允许proselyte谁是割礼的前夕,逾越节,参与洗礼后的逾越节, 1案件理应由学校的Shammai但是,已经不可能,因为根据拉比的方向,在一定时间必须相隔割礼和洗礼。

Brother Paschal of Rome executed interesting sculptural works, eg his sphinx of Viterbo, signed and dated (1286), and the paschal candlestick of Sta.

哥哥逾越的罗马签有趣的雕塑作品,如他的狮身人面像维泰博,签名并注明日期( 1286 ),并逾越烛台的站下车。

The word parasceve may denote the preparation for any Sabbath and may be the common designation for any Friday, and its connexion with pasch need not mean preparation for the Passover but Friday of the Passover season and hence this Sabbath was a great Sabbath.


The word parasceve may denote the preparation for any Sabbath and may be the common designation for any Friday, and its connexion with pasch need not mean preparation for the Passover but Friday of the Passover season and hence this Sabbath was a great Sabbath.


It has, however, been argued thatthe ritual of the mass or communion service is derived from that of the Passover eve service (see Bickell,"Messe und Pascha").

有,不过,有人辩称thatthe祭祀的群众或共融服务是源自即逾越节前夕的服务(见bickell ,&展览und逾越节&)。

The Gospel of John depicts the crucifixion just before the Passover festival on Friday 14 Nisan, called the Quartodeciman, whereas the synoptic gospels describe the Last Supper, immediately before Jesus' arrest, as the Passover meal on Friday 15 Nisan.


It is, for example, one thing to be transgressive about sexuality, religion, social mores and artistic conventions, but quite another to be transgressive in relation to the institutions and practices of capitalist domination.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
