英语人>网络例句>通过能力 相关的搜索结果


与 通过能力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the course, the mathematics basic concept, basic theory, and basic compute method about continuous variable are introduced systematically.


It is further discussed how to be effective foster creative thinking ability of students, through the establishment ideal condition, induce the student to create wants, to raise the student thought the flexibility, to raise student's intuitive thought ability, to strengthen the student thought the divergency, to raise student's negative thinking ability,to enhance the critical thinking of the students


The higher mathematics curriculum is a college engineering course undergraduate course each specialized student's compulsory important basic theory class, through this curriculum study, causes the student to obtain: Circular function calculus study, the space analytic geometry and the vector algebra, the function of many variables calculus study, the infinite series, aspect and so on ordinary differential equation basic concepts, the elementary theory and the fundamental operation skill, and further obtain mathematics knowledge for the study successor curriculum to lay the essential mathematics foundation,During instruction knowledge, must train the student through each teaching link to have the abstract thinking ability, logic reasoning ability, spatial imagination ability gradually and studies independently ability, but also must pay attention specially trains the student to have the quite skilled operational capability and the synthesis utilization studies the knowledge to analyze the question and to solve the question ability.


Through the study of this course, the students are aimed to master some primary theories and methods of operations research and are taught to apply them to solve the practical management problems. It also enables the students to construct the concept of global optimization and the capability of systematical analysis via the introduction of the principles and the explanation of algorithms as well as the case study. And some practical softwares such as LINDO and EXCEL are also inducted to provide the students with tools for model solution and result analysis, which help them to learn for application.


The serum levels of TChE and SOD and CAT in hippocampus of mice in Cold group was also significantly higher than those in the Control group and Warm group(P 0.05或P 0.01),while the serum level of MDA in the Control group and Warm group were higher than that in the Cold group(P 0.05或P 0.01). Conclusion:(1)Long proper winter swimming could improve learning and memory abilities of mice.(2) Winter swimming could improve the ability of learning and memory by coordinate the content of acetylcholinesterase (3) This effect may be related to the decreased activity of TChE and the increased activity of anti-oxidatio.


This paper focused enterprises make certain to choose which type of technological transformation by analyze industry cluster degree, which technological life cycle technology in, and market saturation degree, and then, with cooperating between the imputed one and outputted one, succeed on transfer the obvious and latent information, made some factors like Human resources, organization and technological base recombine to impulse technological level and learning capacity expand forward, and then this will make enterprises technology ability develops by this way: the first step is striped-down only with throughput, and the second is technology absorptive capacity, and the highest is innovate undependably.


The synthetic study that makes theory into practice is little. And the dissertation of the strategy that base on the core capability is little too. By studying the characteristic of dynamic situation and core capability, the text formulizes the relationship between core capability and the strategy of the enterprises. By means of SWOT, the text takes the important position of time and core capability into account and tries to analyze core capability-based strategy. The text emphasizes the balance between the foundation of core capability and the exertion of core capability in order to acquire the dominance of competitive advantage. By means of PDCA, on the base of the dynamic characteristic of core capability and the strategy, the text integrates the core capability and the strategy together. On the base of the core capability, the text analyzes the strategy of low cost, difference, merger and diversification, and gets the goal and measurement of these kinds of strategy. Through the study of these issues, the text integrates the core capability and strategy, and.


The proportion of rents that firms get depends on their network capability. This reveals the essential relationships between network resource, network rents and network capability: First of all, network rents come from the network resources. Furthermore, network rent is the representative of the competitive advantage and the value of the network resource. Second, network resource is the foundation of the network capability, the function of network capability is activated in the process of using network resource by firm. It enables the network resource to be a potential value resource of the competitive advantage. At last, network capability activates the network rents in the network resource, and make sure that the firm get the additional benefit;(4) the network capability can be classified as: network visioning capability, network constructing capability, network operating capability and network constructing capability. Some factors, such as maturity of IT, openness of culture, management system involved, experience of participation in network, have a positive effect on the network capability of the firm;(5) the impact of network capability on innovation performance is realized through knowledge transfer between network partners, namely, knowledge transfer is the mediator; and (6) the type of innovation network, exporation network or exploitation network, has moderator effect on the relationship of network capability and knowledge transfer, and network capability and innovation performance as well. In the exploration network, network constructing capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation. In the exploitation network, network operating capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation.


We analyze the characteristics of passenger train dominated single-track railway as well as the high-speed demand of passenger train. After initiatively introduce the conception of virtual confined segment, we summarize the corresponding calculation method for capacity.


The objective function is both subjected to the general facility location problem constrictions and the characteristics of railway transportation and working style constrictions, such as the amount of goods attracted, rail direct transportation style, the capacity limitation of rail line.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
