英语人>网络例句>通过老化 相关的搜索结果


与 通过老化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of combination tannage were studied by measurin g the change of shrinkage temperature during tanning processes, which were perfo rmed with different dosages of three tanning agents in the same tanning order.


The citric acid-producing strain Aspergillus niger 2363-2, was isolated and used in our research. The fermentation conditions were optimized as follows: sucrose as carbon source 8. 0-14. 0%, ammonium chloride as nitrogen source 3. 0-4. 0g/l, initial pH 2. 0, and cultural temperature 30℃. The influential factors of formation of spores were also studied, and a series of measures were taken to restrain the spore formation on the basis of our experimental results. With the consideration of the cultural environment and microbial cell itself, the factors affecting the duration of citric acid-producing activity of microbial cells were examined, and it is found that undissociated citric acid and the ageing of microbial cells are the main factors. The experimental results also show that partial replacement of fermentation broth can lengthen the duration of citric acid -producing acitivity of microbial cells.

筛选出了用于试验研究的柠檬酸发酵用菌Aspergillus niger 2363-2,确定了其最适发酵条件—碳源选用蔗糖,浓度8.0~14.0%,氮源为NH〓Cl,浓度3.0~4.0g/l,发酵初始pH值为2.0,培养温度30℃;讨论了分生孢子产生的影响因素,并通过试验提出了抑制分生孢子产生的措施;从分析微生物所处的环境和微生物本身两个方面出发,探讨了影响微生物菌体产酸活性持久性的因素,认为分子态柠檬酸和菌体本身的老化是影响微生物产酸活性持久性的两个主要因素,并提出采用部分置换发酵液发酵能延长微生物菌体的产酸活性。

Observation on the ultrastructure of the radicle cell of cabbage seeds indicated that the ultrastructure changed with the seed vigor reduced, such as the segregation of cytoplasm from the cell wall, the fragmentation of cell membrane, the vesiculation of protoplasm, the homogenization of chromation, the disintegration of cytoplasm, the distinguishing of nuclear membrane and nucleous ,and so on.


Objective: To study the effect of "Yiqitiaoxue, fubenpeiyuan" Acup Therapy on selective neuron lost of Senile Accelerated Mouse P8, a model of AD, treated with acupuncture. Observe the number and sharp of neuron in the hippocampus and the cortex of temporal lobe, activation and accrementition of horizontal cell, as well as the expression of apoptosis relative protein. Discusse the possible mechanism of acupuncture in neuroprotective effect.

目的:以快速老化模型小白鼠SAMP8为阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer&s disease, AD,老年性痴呆)动物模型,通过观察针刺对该小鼠海马和颞叶皮质神经元数量以及神经元形态、星形胶质细胞的活化增生、凋亡相关蛋白的表达的影响,研究&益气调血,扶本培元针法对AD选择性神经元丢失的干预作用及其机制,为针刺治疗AD提供神经病理学实验依据。

According to the physical aging behavior of rapidly quenched atactic polystyrene , it was found that dual amorphous phases with quite different properties were formed due to the internal stress: free amorphous phase and constrained amorphous phase.


DESPRIPTION】 This product adopts natural activated Collagen Peptide as its ingredient, and combines the SAYF(skin activate and youthful factor) and micro spinning technology of elastic fiber to make the eye pact perfectly fit around the eye contour, It can quickly supplement skin moisture and provide quick penetration of nutrient substance to the stratum basale under the guide of the nutrient substance penetrating absorption principle, as well as promote the vitality of skin cells, 95% of which will efficiently absorb and reserve moisture and balance PH value to make the skin elastic and soft, and significantly improve low collagen synthesis which is related to aging. It can also efficiently prevent and reduce eyes' skin wrinkles and cutis laxa to restore the eyes' skin moist and elastic, and implement the nutrition lost because of the fluctuations in temperatures to promote the natural moisture ability of the skin around the eyes to make those skin instantly moisturized, smooth, refresh and outstanding radiant. The wrinkles and fine lines will be reduced at the same time, and the black circles will be no longer apparent.


It bas been discovered that the carboxylic ester rare earth salt is superior to the organotin in antidehydrochlorination, and inferior to the organotin in antioxidation through following the tracks of carboxide group and conjugated double bond with the help of infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy.


Objective After Intense pulsed light irradiation cavia cobaya skin, to evaluate the histological change of skin with HE stains; to evaluate the collagen fiber change with nitroxanthic acid stains; to quantitative analysis of hydroxyproline content. Confirm mechanism of action for Intense pulsed light on sun-damaged human skin.

目的 用强脉冲光照射豚鼠背部皮肤后,通过HE染色观察皮肤组织学的改变;用苦味酸染色观察皮肤胶原纤维的改变;定量分析豚鼠皮肤羟脯氨酸的含量,观察皮肤胶原蛋白的变化,进一步研究强脉冲光治疗皮肤光老化的作用机制。

Molybdenum disilicide has gained industrial importance due to its high melting point, high emissivity, stable res...


Molybdenum disilicide has gained industrial importance due to its high melting point, high emissivity, stable resistance over long periods of time and the ability to form a self-healing protective layer, which possesses an interesting combination of thermophysical and mechanical properties and has potential for structural use and heating in oxidizing environments at high temperature.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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