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与 通路 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to that Lemel is the first company to create new idea in implementing "a free cell phone exchange is guaranteed within 2 years of original purchase" and "Lemel may repair well the broken cell phones within 30 minutes" in the realm of service among all of the competitors.

联强国际首创销售、配送、维修三合一的经营模式,使联强国际有别与只提供产品的通路商并首先推出「手机2 年保固」及「30 分钟快速维修」,在手机销售市场更是创新的做法,其他业者陆续跟进联强的脚步也推出类似的服务。

Leucocytic differentiation antigen 40 sign-al access participates in regulation of inflammatory reaction accommodation of major cell component (vascular endothelial cell、vascular smooth muscle cell and macrophage), it is playing critical role in AS process, participates ather-osclerotic occurrence and development ,reside in atherosclerotic plaque cell thro-ugh CD40-CD40L interaction, induce activate by itself , express and secrete profit to happen immune response、inflammatory reaction、hemagglutination t-hrombogenic proteo-cytokine.

白细胞分化抗原40 (CD40)信号通路参与了动脉粥样硬化斑块内主要细胞成分(血管内皮细胞、血管平滑肌细胞以及巨噬细胞)炎症反应的调节,其在AS进程中扮演着关键性的角色,参与了动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展;存在于AS斑块内的细胞通过CD40-CD40L相互作用,导致自身活化,表达和分泌了有利于免疫应答发生、炎症反应、血凝和血栓形成的蛋白质细胞因子,如激活在AS斑块中的关键性细胞成分如黏附分子、炎症因子、基质金属蛋白酶等的产生,导致斑块的不稳定和破裂,而最终导致粥样硬化斑块病变的恶化。

Calcium channel blockers are another choice, but lightheadedness when going from a sitting or supine position to standing may be a significant side effect.


It is unclear whether import and export are mechanistically similar, but evidence suggests that numerous pathways may be involved.


In experimental animals, exposure to a common herbicide, rotenone, induces features of Parkinsonism; mechanistically, rotenone-induced destruction of dopaminergic neurons has been attributed to its inhibition of the activity of neuronal mitochondrial complex Ⅰ.


The patho-factor of pulmonary fibrosis is very complex. With the development of cytobiology and molecular biology there are much proof shows PF is a disease induced by multiple factor, multiple organ and multiple cell; and happens between cells and mesenchyma in multiple path.

肺纤维化(pulmonary fibrosis,PF)形成的病理因素十分复杂,近几年细胞生物学和分子生物学的发展为PF的形成机制提供了大量依据,证明PF是一个多因素、多器官、多细胞、多种因子之间以及细胞与间质成分之间形成的一个多层次,多步骤,多通路的疾病。

As per ex-area construction and design requirement, all the equipment, process piping and metel structure, steel platform, barrier inside the unit shall maintain continuous electricity and combined into the earthing net through BVR earthing wire. 按照防爆区施工技术规范要求和设计要求,装置区内所有设备、工艺管道及金属构架、钢平台、围栏等应连接成连续的电气通路并接地,采用BVR专用接地线与接地网连接。

As soon as the infantry opened the roads Peiper's force would speed west, toward the Meuse.


Methods Thirty-one eyes of thirty-one cases with low visual acuity and without complications of ocular anterior segment and optical pathway, which were suspected macular micropathology 3 days after cataract phacoemulsification, were examined with OCT and analysed.


During monopolar operation of HVDC systems with ground return, there is a large scale DC route between soil and AC power net and currents returned from earth may enter into neutrals of transformers, which cause DC bias of transformers and influence transformers running.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
