英语人>网络例句>通则 相关的搜索结果


与 通则 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Starting from a discussion on the dominance of parent company and the interest protection of subcompany, the author systematically examines the object harmed tortious liability of parent company, important conditions for...

本文在讨论母公司支配与子公司利益保护的基础上,系统地检讨了母公司侵权行为所损害的对象、构成要件和法律救济的途径,提出在现行法构架下依照民法通则第 7条规定,以违反社会公德为由追究母公司的侵权行为责任的观点。

Upon payment of the amounts provided for in paragraph of this article, together with any packing costs, Corporation shall transfer to the Purchaser the title to and deliver to the Purchaser Ex Works (Per Incoterms 1980 Edition) corporations plant the incomplete Equipment, fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, and other material the costs of which have been included in the costs determined in accordance with paragraph of this Article.


Upon payment of the amounts provided for in paragraph of this article, together with any packing costs, Corporation shall transfer to the Purchaser the title to and deliver to the Purchaser Ex Works (Per Incoterms 1980 Edition) corporation's plant the incomplete Equipment, fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, and other material the costs of which have been included in the costs determined in accordance with paragraph of this Article.


Basing on the commentating on these articles both of the Contract Law together with its statutory construction and Civil Law of PRC together with its statutory construction which are the main proportions of the legal system, the paper gives out the configuration of the legal system, and focuses on the imperfect part of the system such as the time limit of the indefinitely-effected contract, the right of contract to alter, the right of contract to rescind etc..


Basing on the commentating on these articles both of the Contract Law together with its statutory construction and Civil Law of PRC together with its statutory construction which are the main proportions of the legal system, the paper gives out the configuration of the legal system, and focuses on the imperfect part of the system such as the time limit of the indefinitely-effected contract, the right of contract to alter, the right of contract to rescind etc..


Article 24 Any act of adoption contravening the provisions of Article 55 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China and those of this Law shall be of no legal validity.


The historical limitations and lag behind presented in principles of civil law issued in 1986 dissimilates the contents regarded by the harmonious society nowadays on the pattern of interests.


The draft of Civil Law by legislators and the advice toCivil Law by scholars, based on the basic p rincip les in Chinese General Rules of Civil Law, have exp ressed differently in terms of the basic p rincip les. But it is app rop riate to establish the p rincip les of equality, voluntaries, honestand credibility, public order and good habits, p rohibition of civil right abuse as the basic p rincip les of China's Civil Law.


In July 2006, chinese shift takes the lead in fair measure flying letter business, of the same age October, former China UniCom pushs favorable balance of trade to believe, general rule of former China net borrows sharp letter to reduce instant communication market.


The IASB also proposes a rejig of how bad debts are recognised. Instead of booking losses as things go sour, they will be spread over the life of a loan, although the draft rules do not go as far as Spain's system of "generic provisions" which leads to more reserves being built up in good times than in bad, smoothing profits even more.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
