- 与 递归定理 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
By transforming the delayed neural model to the describer model and then employing the Lyapunov-Krasovskii stability theorem, linear matrix inequality LMI technique, S procedure, and some algebraic inequality method, a new sufficient condition is derived, which is determined by the coefficients of the model and includes more tuning parameters for determining the globally asymptotical stability of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delay.
If one makes some omissions in Chapter 4, for example, the proof of the theorem of Lindemann—Weierstrass, one is likely to have several weeks left after the completion of this material.
Secondly, the properties of output sequences of stop-and-go clocked combiners are discussed. It is proved that the output sequences are stationary and obey strong law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Using the probabilistic model properly built, we analyze the rate of coincidence between the output sequences of two kinds of generators with basic operations and corresponding LFSRs sequences. All the computational formulae are derived. A recursive algorithm for efficiently computing the poster probability of partial input strings and corresponding joint probability is introduced. Moreover, divide-and-conquer attacks on this kind of generators which reconstruct the initial states of the input stop-and-go generators individually are proposed.
First, the Lyapunov functional and variation of constants method are adopted to study the effect that Sigmoid function and the relation of resistance, capacitance and current in Hopfield neural networks have on the stability of networks. The stability criterion constructed by physics parameters is obtained. Thus how the constrained relation of physics parameters affects the stability of Hopfielf neural networks is clear. Based on the study above, the perturbation model of recurrent neural networks is constructed. And the theorems of the existence of solution of perturbation model are presented.
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