英语人>网络例句>逐渐消失的 相关的搜索结果


与 逐渐消失的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS:N CAM at muscle canal surface and neuromuscular junction were dyed i...


All memory of his childhood faded from his mind.


The results showed that with the increase of salt concentration,the chloroplast of oats expanded,the slices of basal granule were distorted or even disintegrated,matrix was tenuity,the starch particles disappeared,plastoglobulis became empty,and the membrane of chloroplast became disintegrated.


But some ## singer fan is vanishing gradually in ours line of sight.


Thpetum is the gland cell type. The pistil has two carpels, the ovules belong to straight ovules with bitegmic;77% nucellus stoped development before from the archesporial cell and disappear and 23% nucellus atrophy .so the flower cannot grow seeds.

安祖花的雌蕊是由2 心皮组成,胚珠为直生胚珠,双珠被,77%珠心细胞在胞原细胞形成之前停止发育,并且逐渐解体消失,23%珠心细胞发生萎缩,导致雌蕊败育。

As shown under TEM, young cleistothecia interwoven by vegetative hypha are composed a mass of ascogenous hypha which presented binuclei and, most of all, a plenty of organelles, cspecially β-glycogen, polyribosome, lomasomes,...


Methods 86 patients with angina pectoris of coronary heart disease were randomly divided into the rehabilitation group (55 cases) and control group (31 cases). The patients in the rehabilitation group received routine drugs and multidisciplinary rehabilitation (psychotherapy, diet guiding, kinesitherapy, post discharged guiding etc). The patients in the control group received routine drugs for 10-14 days, activities after cheat pain dispearance and natural life after discharge.


Results During isoprenaline administration the heart rate of arrhythmia in6cases went faster gradually and They were diagnosed as chronic sustained junctional tachycardia(3cases)and chronic atrial tachycardia(2cases)and sinoatrial reentrant tachycardia(1case)respectively;while the arrhythmias in other9cases disappered and turned to sinus tachycardiac and several minites after isoprenaline administration the arrhythmia in5cases recurred again,As a reˉsult,they were diagnosed non-paroxysmal ventricular(3cases)and non-paroxysmal junctional tachycardia(6cases)respectively.

结果 6例患者心动过速的频率逐渐增快,分别诊断为慢性持续性交界性心动过速(3例)、慢性房性心动过速(2例)和窦房结折返性心动过速(1例);另9例异位心律失常消失,转变为窦性心动过速,停止滴注后数分钟5例再次出现原心律失常,诊断为非阵发性室性心动过速(3例)和非阵发性交界性心动过速(6例)。

Results During isoprenaline administration the heart rate of arrhythmia in6cases went faster gradually and They were diagnosed as chronic sustained junctional tachycardia(3cases)and chronic atrial tachycardia(2cases)and sinoatrial reentrant tachycardia(1case)respectively;while the arrhythmias in other9cases disappered and turned to sinus tachycardiac and several minites after isoprenaline administration the arrhythmia in5cases recurred again,As a reˉsult,they were diagnosed non-paroxysmal ventricular(3cases)and non-paroxysmal junctional tachycardia(6cases)respectively.

结果 6例患者心动过速的频率逐渐增快,分别诊断慢性持续性交界性心动过速(3例)、慢性房性心动过速(2例)和窦房结折返性心动过速(1例);另9例异位心律失常消失,转变为窦性心动过速,停止滴注后分钟5例再次出现原心律失常,诊断为非阵发性室性心动过速(3例)和非阵发性交界性心动过速(6例)。

The dominant and co-dominant species in shrub and herb layers were mostly helophytes and hygrophytes. With decreasing latitude, the helophytes and hygrophytes decreased or disappeared, while mesophytes increased.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
