英语人>网络例句>逐渐消失的 相关的搜索结果


与 逐渐消失的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The annihilation of the octahedron voids at the tips of FPDs was divided two processes:(1) The oxide on the void was removed by the out-diffusion of Oi in the shallow region , especially the Oi aroud the void and by the entry of the interstitial Si atomics .


In order to study the digestion of fibrous materials ADF and NDF,the alfalfa,ryegrass and their powder mixture were chosen as the substrates,and mixed with the cecum chyme filtrate for fermentation.pH value declined to 6.9 during first three hours fermentation,and then came to be stable.

以苜蓿草粉、黑麦草粉和混合草粉(质量比为1∶1)为底物,接种鹅盲肠食糜滤液进行体外培养。试验结果为:培养液pH值在0~3 h下降到6.9左右,后逐渐趋于稳定;苜蓿草粉ADF、NDF和半纤维素的消失率分别为1.15%,1.18%,-0.19%;黑麦草粉三者的消失率分别为1.45%,9.05%,3.07%;而混合草粉三者的消失率分别为15.72%,13.2%,9.87%。与单一草粉的ADF、NDF和半纤维素的消失率都有显著差异(P.05)。

We also discovered that selenium can decrease hematolysis and effects function of vacuole toxin of HP. morphological conversion from spiralto coccoid forms occurredwhen HP was caltured with selenium and most of coccoid forms had fragmentary flagella and pilus; the effection of selenium to activity of urease, catalase, alkaline phosphatase is not exist or not evidence; selenium enable pET32a-vacA-E. coli BL21 which can express VacA produce yellow lipochrome, and the color become deeper with increasing of concentration of selenium; selenium can decrease expression of recombined VacA by restrain the growth of pET32a-vacA-E. coli, but can not influence activity and gene equence of VacA; selenium can enhance the suppression effect of recombined VacA for gastric cancer cell, depress the index of cell multiplication and the forming rate of colony, decrease the number of cell in S period, increase total of cell in G period; After purified, the recombined VacA can be identified by VacA antibody.

结果:体外实验结果表明:一定浓度的硒作用HP后,HP菌落数量随着硒浓度的增加而减少,菌落颜色由灰白色变为砖红色,溶血现象随硒浓度的增加和作用时间的延长而逐渐消失,HP的形态由弯曲形变为球形或椭圆形,鞭毛及菌毛出现脱落现象;硒对尿素酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶活性无影响或影响不明显;一定浓度的硒能使表达VacA的pET32a-vacA-E.coli BL21工程菌产生脂溶性砖红色色素,颜色随硒浓度增加而加深;一定浓度的硒通过抑制pET32a-vacA-E.coli BL21工程菌的生长,减少重组VacA表达量,但不影响其空泡毒活性及编码基因序列;硒能增强重组VacA对胃癌细胞的抑制作用,使细胞分裂指数和集落形成率降低、S期细胞数量减少,G1期细胞总数增加;纯化后的VacA重组蛋白可被VacA抗体识别,具有良好的抗原性。

In the present-day process of urbanisation, we witness the gradual disappearance of any clear exteriority to the city, while older towns and villages are gradually being swallowed up by an inexorable sprawl of private dwellings.


Time however, and the Satisfaction I had, that I was in no Danger of being discover'd by these People, began to wear off my Uneasiness about them; and I began to live just in the same compos'd Manner as before; only with this Difference, that I used more Caution, and kept my Eyes more about me than I did before, least I should happen to be seen by any of them; and particularly, I was more cautious of firing my Gun, least any of them being on the Island, should happen to hear of it; and it was therefore a very good Providence to me, that I had furnish'd my self with a tame Breed of Goats, that I needed not hunt any more about the Woods, or shoot at them; and if I did catch any of them after this, it was by Traps, and Snares, as I had done before; so that for two Years after this, I believe I never fir'd my Gun once off, though I never went out without it; and which was more, as I had sav'd three Pistols out of the Ship, I always carry'd them out with me, or at least two of them, sticking them in my Goat-skin Belt; also I furbish'd up one of the great Cutlashes, that I had out of the Ship, and made me a Belt to put it on also; so that I was now a most formidable Fellow to look at, when I went abroad, if you add to the former Description of my self, the Particular of two Pistols, and a great broad Sword, hanging at my Side in a Belt, but without a Scabbard.


Unexpectedly, we suddenly entered for an anxious time: Old has thevalue idea has lost the potency, each kind of known boundary graduallyis vanishing, lofty with popular, the tradition with the modern age,is ugly beautifully with, constrains and bold, the trade and art, theyare not again the opposition concept...... We cannot identify againthrough the traditional way oneself with opposite party, we cannotsay, I am the proletariat, but he is the bourgeoisie; I am a farmer,but he is the worker...... In we already fell into the huge status tobe anxious.


RESULTS The degenerative changes of nerve ending in Meissner's corpuscles were observed after 1 month of denervation, and the basic structure of the corpuscles had no obvious changes. After 3 months, the axons of corpuscles were disappeared, and the volume of corpuscles was shrunk. The basic structure of nerves was disappeared, and the lemmocyte and neurolemma plate were changed after 5 months.

结果 失神经1个月时触觉小体内的神经末梢已有溃变,触觉小体的基本结构无明显改变;3个月时轴突消失,触觉小体的体积开始萎缩;5个月时神经结构消失,膜细胞及其膜板亦开始改变;8个月时触觉小体内胶原纤维含量逐渐增多;12个月时触觉小体内膜结构与膜间基质完全消失,被胶原纤维代替。

A lot of organelles such as mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticula and Golgi bodies were observed in fiber cell. Then, double karyotheca disappeared, and the organelles disintegrated. Multivesicular bodies appeared in fiber cytoplasm. With the further development of fiber, fiber wall underwent continual thickening with aging, and polylaminate structure gradually appeared. While the agglutinated nucleus, transfer vesicles, plasma membrane and plasmodesmata still presented.


The cells survival rates of every group were determined by MTT technique.Results The tumor cells without any anti-glioma factor treatment were growing better and no change was observed in morphology.After 2-3 days,cell axons disappeared,cell bodies crimpled,nucleoli crinkled and cracked in each treated group.

结果 未加任何抗癌因子处理的C6细胞组肿瘤细胞生长旺盛,细胞形态无明显改变;各处理组的肿瘤细胞2~3天后开始逐渐出现细胞突触消失,细胞变圆,胞体皱缩,核仁固缩、裂解、甚至消失,继而逐渐死亡。

It was a noisy, crowded street in the daytime; but a silent, lonesome street at night, when the gas-lights, few and far between, partook of the character of lighthouses rather than of illuminants, and the tramp, tramp of the policeman on his long beat seemed to be ever drawing nearer, or fading away, except for brief moments when the footsteps ceased, as he paused to rattle a door or window, or to flash his lantern into some dark passage leading down towards the river.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
