英语人>网络例句>逐渐消失的 相关的搜索结果


与 逐渐消失的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The law governing realty was quite different from that relating to personalty and many of these distinction exist today, although their impact is gradually diminishing.


Through so-called education and the compulsion of society this abounding energy you have when you are young is gradually destroyed.


Spindle shape of cells gradually disappeared, with increased cell body. Some cells grew in cluster. MSCs changed figures to multilayer knots 10 days after inducing osteoplastic differentiation.

骨髓间充质干细胞向成骨分化过程中,纺锤形的突起逐渐消失,胞体增大,培养10 d后,部分细胞呈聚集生长,随细胞生长密度的增长形成多层的结节结构。

3Abnormalities of pulmonary parenchyma after PE could be found by unenhanced HCT,and disappeared gradually with orangic recorvery.


Your footprint all enchased in our heart, how can we, these girls who have chosen to be the leather of your wings, be able to let those memory fade away now?


The experiment was performed at the Asterix IV iodine laser with a prepulse 5 ns before the main pulse. Under optimum focusing conditions for main pulse and prepulse the X-ray laser beam splits into two beamlets along the target surface at its output end of the 2.5 cm long plasma column. The splitting was still observed when the prepulse alone was defocused.

实验发现在抽运激光主、预脉冲最佳聚焦条件下, X射线激光束在2.5 cm长的线状等离子体输出端沿靶面方向分裂成两束;在抽运预脉冲单独散焦条件下,仍然观察到这一分裂现象;但是当抽运主、预脉冲同时散焦时,这一分裂现象逐渐消失并获得了半宽度只有40 μm的非常窄的近场像。

Social stigmas that used to make couples reluctant to break up have faded as the country has become more prosperous and less bound by tradition, experts said.


China has abundant resources of tin sulphuric ore. With the disappearing of placer deposits exploited now are must belong to tin sulphuric ore.


The Chinese government launched an investigation today into the devastating mud and rock slide in Shanxi province, as the death toll rose to 128 and hopes faded for those buried.


One very important effect on english was the gradual disappearance of many word-endings, or inflections, leading to a simpler grammar.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
