英语人>网络例句>送出的 相关的搜索结果


与 送出的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its the biggest advantage is to gave drive to increase to rely on, gave mallet to have track (appellative and one-track), after avoiding to appear to place end first in the instant of drive, shake his head, head of the mallet when before giving staff, sending not the phenomenon of take the air line, increased stability to drive thereby.


Especially above, where the large boughs parted, there was quite a hanging garden, in which wild raspberries and hart's-tongue ferns throve, and even a little mistletoe had taken root, and grew gracefully in the old willow branches, which were reflected in the dark water beneath when the wind blew the chickweed into the corner of the pool.


To make room for Wang on the roster, Kevin Thompson was sent to Triple-A Scranton. The right fielder hit .250 with New York. Both hits were doubles, and he also drove in two runs. www.wangfans.com B' J; G# S0 r* X H

为了要把小王排进球员名单,Kevin Thompson被送到三A的Scranton,这位外野手在洋基队打出2成50的打击率,击出两发二垒打并打下2分打点。

He hit a bases-loaded triple to the right field corner off Bonderman in the sixth inning.


In Shui HighSPEED Mill Power Producing System can make the differdnt molal structures mate rials powderfor 20 eyes to 80eyes in common temperaeure, These materials are differdnt kinds of soft hard PVC 、PP、PS; thosecan change its nature such as PP、TEP、 PS、 PA、 PC ,etc; non-plastic such as dee rhm, timber, leather and palm oil shells, etc,Especially suit for raw material of plastic to chang its naure, paints of mother colour tofill up , paints, tec .During the working process, firstly put the quantitative and well-distrib uted rawmaterialsun to the Moll Box by the Hopper, them put the powder out of the Moll box by Auto loader, finallysirfand retrieve the powder through sifting machine .If someofthe have not milled well , you can do itagain As a matter of fact, it will be as excellent as the mew plastic and can keep every normof the munchang eablein their function of chemistry and physicsafterusing about 30% of power mixed up with 70%raw mate rials of plastic. So the machines if helpful of plastic businessman to save money and good for protecting our environ mentathe same time

S 系列高精密磨粉生产系统能在常温下将各种的软硬:PVC、 PP 、PS 及改性PP 、PS 、PA 、PC 等不同分子结构的及非塑料类如(鹿角、木梢、皮革及棕油壳等)材料磨制成20目~80目粉末状,适合塑料原料改性,色母料填充涂料、塑纺织的涂料、地毯背面涂料、制药等加工行业,这些颗粒原料通过定量的加料器均匀地送进磨箱中,再由吸风机将磨好的粉末吸出磨箱经过筛选机筛选回收,如较粗的颗粒再次被送进磨箱中进行粉磨,这些材料经过我们特殊改良刀齿,创新突破来配合日新月异原材料组合使用,经塑料制品厂商实践证明在其产品原料中加入磨制粉体30%左右使其更好塑化且其制品的化学,物理性能保持全新料的各项指针不变,因此是塑料厂商降低成本且同时有利于保护环境的粉磨回收设备。

Analyses the air handling process of cold air distribution system with outdoor air introduced to machine room directly or after being handled to the state of indoor air enthalpy.Presents in detail the drawing steps of the air state points in psychrometric chart for the air conditioning unit with blowing-through type fan.


Jorge Posada hit a leadoff single, reaching third when centerfielder Torii Hunter let it get past him, and scored on Silva's wild pitch. Matsui doubled and scored on a single by Abreu, who was safe when shortstop Jason Bartlett failed to hold the throw on an attempted steal. One out later, Cano was hit by a pitch by Juan Rincon. After the runners moved up on Damon's comebacker, Cabrera singled to drive in both. He took second on the throw to the plate and scored the fifth run of the inning on the second of Jeter's three hits.

Jorge Posada率先击出安打,并且因为中外野手Torii Hunter 让球滚到身后而登上三垒,再趁Silva的暴投得分,松井击出二垒安打后靠著Abreu的一垒安打得分,Abreu则因游击手Jason Bartlett无法接住传来的球而盗上二垒,在一人出局之后,Cano被Juan Rincon的触身球打上一垒,两位跑者靠著Damon打回给投手的滚地球推进之后,Cabrera击出一垒安打把他们都送了回来,并趁球传回本垒时上到二垒,最后靠Jeter三支安打中的第二支得到该局的第五分。

Nate Schierholtz blooped a single to center off Scott Proctor to drive in the winning run in an inning in which the Giants had teased the 43,485 at the park by nearly ending the game two other times on drives down the left field line by Omar Vizquel that fell only feet foul.8 K' v u4 \0 C R ?2 v

巨人队代打Nate Schierholtz 从天天P手上敲了一记中间方向安打,送回致胜得分,在这局中巨人队已经差点完成再见安打两次,游击手Omar Vizquel 挥击出两支只掉出左野边线几呎的界外球,逗引了现场43,485 的情绪。

Nate Schierholtz blooped a single to center off Scott Proctor to drive in the winning run in an inning in which the Giants had teased the 43,485 at the park by nearly ending the game two other times on drives down the left field line by Omar Vizquel that fell only feet foul.

P, ' t8 D3 y2 E0 r8 O 巨人队代打Nate Schierholtz 从天天P手上敲了一记中间方向安打,送回致胜得分,在这局中巨人队已经差点完成再见安打两次,游击手Omar Vizquel 挥击出两支只掉出左野边线几呎的界外球,逗引了现场43,485 的情绪。

Methods For example simulated habitation cabin on ground, the air flow field distribution of habitation cabin was supplied through 2 modes, step air supply channel and perforated plate, and was analyzed with digital simulation and experiment. In addition, effect of inter-module flow on flow field was studied.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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