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与 迟的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that: This tablet can decrease the rat"s footpad swell induced by Freud"s, inhibit the permeability of the blood capillary in inflammatory joint and decrease the 11-2 level in serum while increasing the rat"s body weight,(2) It can lower the rat"s temperature and the permeability of the blood capillary in inflammatory joint induced by collagen and inhibit the delayed type hypersensitivity,It can lower the stickiness of full blood and the accumulation of erythrocyte obviously inblood stasis model rats,lt can inhibit the formation of hemolysin and decrease the index of carbon granule clearance in mice, It can lower the permeability of celiac blood capillary and inhibit the granulomatous hyperplasia by sc cotton ,It can inhibit the pain induced by acetic acid and raise the pain threshold value of heat stimulation.


The lateness of the hour, rendering procrastinatory: the obscurity of the night, rendering invisible: the uncertainty of thoroughfares, rendering perilous: the necessity for repose, obviating movement: the proximity of an occupied bed, obviating research: the anticipation of warmth tempered with coolness, obviating desire and rendering desirable: the statue of Narcissus, sound without echo, desired desire.


When she belatedly recorded the full cycle, with Riccardo Chailly and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, in 1986, her performance was notable for the devotional serenity she brought to the slow movements and her fleet but dignified renderings of the Allegros.

在1986年,与Riccardo Chailly和柏林广播交响乐团(Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra)合作完成的这张迟来的专辑中,对她的作品有完整的记录。她表演的点睛之处在于那慢悠的肢体动作中所呈现的虔诚和静谧,抑或是那急速的乐章中演绎出的轻快而又不失庄严之感。

When she belatedly recorded the full cycle, with Riccardo Chailly and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, in 1986, her performance was notable for the devotional serenity she brought to the slow movements and her fleet but dignified renderings of the Allegros.

在1986年,与Riccardo Chailly和柏林广播交响乐团(Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra)合作完成的这张迟来的专辑中,对她的作品有完整的记录。她表演的点睛之处在于那缓慢的肢体动作中所呈现的虔诚和静谧,抑或是那急速的乐章中演绎出的轻快而又不失庄严之感。

The voices of those who urged delay, and counselled waiting for something and not advancing, had been so unanimously drowned and their arguments had been confuted by such indubitable proofs of the advantages of advancing, that what had been discussed at the council, the future battle and the victory certain to follow it, seemed no longer future but past.


For many persuasion was sufficient to make them join the cause; other required rougher treatment. All those who refused to sign were not only looked upon as ungodly, but as traitors to their country, as ready to help the foreign invader. And as the greater that the number of subscribers grew, the more imperious they were in exacting subscriptions from others who refused to subscribe, so that by degrees they proceeded to contumelies and reproaches, and some were threatened and beaten who durst refuse, especially in the greatest cities Ibid, p.

并非所有的,不过,愿意向用户提供盟约对於很多劝导,足以使他们加入的原因,其他需要粗糙的待遇,凡是拒绝签署不仅看作为ungodly ,但由於汉奸向自己的国家,作为随时准备帮助外国侵略者,并为更大认为,对用户数量的增长,更专横的,他们在严格的征订由其他人拒绝订阅,以便最迟度,他们接著contumelies和责备,有的威胁和殴打的人(集团垃圾,尤其是在上最伟大的城市(同上,第45页)。

This research is based on systemic hackling of the teacher's practical knowledge research. This research adopts preliminary research method. The researcher enter into teacher's teaching practice, discovering teacher's practical knowledge and its development ways through deep understanding to the daily teaching practice and teaching life. We hope this research can provide a view to analyze their practical knowledge, and provide teachers'practical knowledge development to other teachers. This paper includes four parts: The Chapter One: We expatiates the background of the problem.


While intoxicated Shiqiu of diethylene glycol in the fragrance of the wine, wine aroma of the entire tribe has been diffuse, all men are ethnic reprimanded Shiqiu of Lisheng, Shiqiu of Nuqichongtian, God took his bow killing men struggling Family, men who fled the family fled to the most respected people - Yilun home, then at home Ailun heard outside million cloven-hoofed Ben riding and panic tapping for help, he even Xiangdoumeixiang, went straight to open the door out , said that at that moment, pull over arch Shiqiu of the moment to shoot, it hit in the heart of the Yilun, kind-hearted and innocent Yilun friends sacrificed their own lives.


If the Borrow wishes to borrow an amount equal to the total Loan commitment hereunder, it shall, not later than 5:00 p.m. New York City on the fifth Banking Day next preceding the date it withes to designate for such borrowing, give the Agent notice, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit C, of such date (the "Disinbursement Date"), which shall be a Banking Day prior to the Termination Date , and the account in New York City, to which the loans are to be credited.


I am sorry for replying you so late due to business trip.we feel very regretful about the damage to the cargo.however it is not our false,as the cargo was not fastened in the factory,while the airshipping company requires the cargo be palletized or tightened,otherwise the cargo will not be entertained.so the air shipping company made the package by itself.pls ask the agent at destination to provide the damage certificate,with which we will process this issue soon.by the way,pls effect the payment of full freight that was due on aug 11.it was because you promised to pay the freight that we released the cargo,but until now,we have not received your payment,but we believe you will keep your promise.thanks.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
