英语人>网络例句>违反 相关的搜索结果


与 违反 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All are entitled to equal protection against any discri mination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such dis crimination.


The people having on internal battle with sexual identity suggested that their working place accommodate their cross-dressing and other expression .

4, 对自己天生的性别不满意者建议工作单位违反性别穿戴和其他发泄方式提供方便。

And then the paper analyses the pragmatic strategies taken by the cross-examiner and the witness as a result of the violation of Cooperative Principle in the process of exchanges between them.


Others felt Citigroup had cynically breached a gentleman's agreement central to the workings of the market.

但其他 人则认为,花旗带着嘲弄的态度,违反了一项作为市场运行核心的君子协议。

Quite a few aspects of the Chinese situation are on display in this little story, not least that the Chinese determination to turn its capital into an Olympic Games showcase is an overriding priority, and no dainty worry about noise pollution, or any other pollution, is going to stop it.


Dalton does not have any customers in violation of laws and regulations of the law

Dalton 不对顾客承担任何违反法律法规的法律,赔偿

Respondents brought this suit to enjoin completion of the dam and impoundment of the reservoir, claiming that those actions would violate the Act by causing the snail darter's extinction.


The court held that the record revealed a prima facie violation of 7 in that the Tennessee Valley Authority had failed to take necessary action to avoid jeopardizing the snail darter's critical habitat by its "actions."


Has the UK Data Protection Act been breached by the loss of the hard drive containing information on learner drivers in the US?


"If you fail to take appropriate technical measures to protect personal data by using a flawed encryption system like WEP you could be breaking the Data Protection Act, and face a fine or even imprisonment," he said.

"对任何以商业为目的使用家庭互联网的用户,其后果可能是更加严重的," Sprecher Grier Halberstan 的电子商务法律负责人说,"如果你未能采取适当的技术措施来保护你的个人资料,而是采用有缺陷的加密系统,比如说 WEP ,你就有可能就违反数据保护法案,会受到罚款甚至关押的处罚。"

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
