英语人>网络例句>远方 相关的搜索结果


与 远方 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She leaned on the parapet and gazed into the distance.


Many Americans have an image of a 'typical Indian', a chief who lived in a teepee with his squaw, smoked a peace pipe after signing a treaty with the white man, sent smoke signals to communicate with people far away, and spoke broken English full of colorful expressions such as 'big heap wampum' and 'speaks with forked tongue'.

许多美国人心目中有"典型的印第安人"形象:一个与妻子一起住在帐篷里的酋长,在同白人签订条约以后抽着和平烟斗,发出烟雾信号与远方的人联络,说着蹩脚但生动的英语,例如 big heap wampum和 speak with forked tongue。

The starting point in film, a big fish across allows much more from the fishing hook of surface pendency, The coda in film is still the big fish of this father's incarnation, in the moonlight, spare no effort ground to jump a surface, settle a space.


I 've seen him sitting quietly, pensively, as if trying to look beyound the distant blue hills, and I wished I could read his thoughts, and fathom the foul in those sad brown eyes.


On the night of the meeting Rodriguez struck out as a pinch hitter to end the game. He whacked the dugout railing with his bat, walked up the runway and into the clubhouse, and picked up a folding chair and threw it.

两人谈话的当晚, A-Rod以代打身分上场打击遭到三振而结束了该场比赛,离开打击区后, A-Rod用球棒重击了休息区的栏杆,并且在走回休息室的路上随手拿起一旁的折椅,狠狠地将其摔向远方

To bring the charm of Debussy's music, people often think of the piano song "Moonlight" It's a transparent floating slowly down the soft light;"Night in Granada," which is slightly lost in the guitar and pizzicato sound of distant ring sound board decorated by the Spanish style;"water reflection" in the reverse position to carry out the chords to the music mode constitutes a symbol of water ripple, ripple the surface, the dynamics of continuous proliferation; symphonic sketch "spray games" are short motive , the phrase cheerful, bright colors and sound, the playing of the background chatter String outlined noisy waves, wave jumping, laughing water, sunlight flashing screen play.


Distance, the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. My L... has seena polyanthus blow in December ...


Some of receptacle has grown a small pompon, there are dozens of small pompon had become a small parachute, far away Gone with the wind.


Many times we have to communicate with people who are far away. Traveling to meet them would be both prohibitively expensive and take a great deal of time.


Many times we have to communicate with people who are far away. Traveling to meet them would be both prohibitively expensiveand take a great deal of time.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
