- 推荐网络例句
Copper-colored contacts down, or
A true CDMA variant of le superphone should still be coming wearing Sprint regalia, but it's disappointing to see Google use such doublespeak techniques.
CDMA的一个变种,您应该真正 superphone 未来仍穿著富豪斯普林特公司,但它是令人失望的谷歌用这种故弄玄虚的技巧。
By using the modal superposition method for the dynamic responses calculation of the linear oscillation system, a judging indictor in the energy norm form is given to determine the number of dominant modes on mode truncation.
针对用模态叠加法计算结构线性振动系统的响应,作模态截断的截尾模态阶数的取值,给出了能量范数形式的判断指标。用于小湾拱坝结构的动力分析表明,需取 10阶以上的模态进行叠加