英语人>网络例句>这就是生活 相关的搜索结果


与 这就是生活 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Again for example at present very popular of living phenomenon, be go abroad emigrant, the many people gives up native home and all wants to abscond to foreign country, live with oneself not adapt of other parts of country culture of life, this is also why?


I ain't as rich as old Jim Hornback, and I can't be so blame' generous and good to Tom, Dick, and Harry as what he is, and slam around money the way he does; but I've told him a many a time 't I wouldn't trade places with him; for, says I, a sailor's life's the life for me, and I'm derned if I'D live two mile out o' town, where there ain't nothing ever goin' on, not for all his spondulicks and as much more on top of it.


But we live in a competitive world and that is why I say some of what happens now is financial doping.


Accordingly , it incarnates the hypostasis of the life .


The beauty of colours which is absorbed from sapphire sky, emerald green grass and voluptuous flowers is a charm of nature in our day-to-day lives. Such beauty decorates our world and from which we have felt the pulchritude of the earth and the fun of lives.


Sandwich was an englishman.he lived in the 18th century.sandwich was rich,but he liked to play cards for money.he often played for 24 hours,and did't even stop to have his meals.he ordered his servants to bring him some meat and bread.he put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cardswith his right hand.people liked andwich's idea,and from then onthey eat bread and meat as sandwich did from the name of the man,sandwich,we have the word of the food "sandwich" today.

Sandiwich (这是人名翻译不翻译都可以)是一个英国人。他生活在18世纪,Sandiwich很富有,但是他喜欢玩牌赌钱。他经常一玩就是一整天,甚至都不停下来吃饭。他命令他的仆人给他那些肉和面包。他把肉和面包放在两片面包中间,然后他左手拿着食物,右手玩牌。人们很喜欢Sandiwich的办法,从那时开始人们开始像Sandiwich一样吃饭。今天"三明治"这个名字的来历就是从Sandiwich身上得来的。

The Scotchman has toplough ground that is more stones than earth,hehas to harvest his crops out of the teeth of thesnow-storm,three centuries of the sternest Calvin-ism are behind him,his life has been a continualstruggle and surprise;and all these things havetaught him the irony of life.


Dai Zhikang: The greatest pleasure is the achievement feeling that he has a kind of spirit to go up in Internet, because open guest of a rich to have what fun for instance to him, actually he makes the fun on spirit of a stationmaster may be hundreds of times very consummate and thousandfold prep above you keep customer of a rich, because there are a flock of population mouths to call him the old in succession over there him, keep on saying is supporting him, he is here the face is a small kingdom same, the small kingdom on spirit, he is opinion cacique, he comes out to say a word has a lot of people to come out to support, he feels in actual life cannot come true, there are 20 people here for instance, I say you should hear what word, very difficult, the spirit that so it did not implement a lot of in actual life is contented feeling.


In Mansun's Only Love Song', we get a glimpse into his life as he sees himself during the day - a vicar in appearance, but his mind is far away, dreaming of the exciting world of being a stripper -"Mavis looking sexy through her dress it shines, standing in the vestry she recites her lines" are how he views himself at that time - just reciting lines like an actor, not really meaning it, as his mind was on being Mavis, his stripper alter-ego, who really is "all things to no men" in the clubs.

在Mansun's Only Love Song'这首歌中,我们得以窥见到他的真实生活,他真实的一面----表面道貌岸然,脑子里的幻想却早已九霄云外。。去幻想那些本该不属于自己生活的东西,比如,他会想如果自己变成脱衣舞娘那样的生活会有多刺激--绚丽的灯光下的Mavis--也就是幻想中的自己,看起来是那么迷人与性感。

In the old days it was the thing to do for wealthy families to sent their young sons off to Europe for a year to have a good time and sow their wild oats before they came back, got a job, and got married.

& 这人说:&过去,有钱人都要把年轻的儿子送到欧洲去一年,让他们尽情享受,过放荡的生活,然后再回来找个工作,结婚成家。我们在这一课里给大家介绍了两个习惯用语,一个是和 straw,就是稻草这个字有关;另一个是和 oats,也就是燕麦这个字有关的常用语。

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At that time, I was a legal secretary and oversaw the running of a law office.


According to the research progress on citrinin, the strategies of citrinin control were described from the three aspects of fermentation technology, mutation breeding, and genetic engineering.


Tt suggests the high jumpers should improve the stability of approach steps in the foundation of improving the approach speed and adjust the final stride. Comparing with the foreign ones, the Chinese high jumpers have certain margins in the horizontal velocity of barycenter. Their power of supporting and stretching the leg are of a sort, so they should add to their quick power training of take-off leg.
