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与 迎合 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Strong Practicalism and high view of beauty in Greek mythology agreed with his "half rapscallion". Expression of Entirely and abstract beauty in Greek mythology develop his "Art of Life" great.


If terrorists can even bring down the Taj hotel, the symbol of Mumbai, it is so, so depressing,' said Rajeev Samant, founder of Sula Vineyards, an Indian winery that had a thriving business catering to bankers.'This is a horrific blow to the symbol of everything that is Mumbai. It's going to be very hard to recover.

Rajeev Samant在印度的酒厂Sula Vineyards曾因所产葡萄酒能迎合银行家们的口味而生意兴隆,他说,恐怖分子竟然能拿下泰姬陵酒店这一孟买的象征,这太、太让人沮丧了,这是对一个最能代表孟买的象征物发起的可怕袭击,所造成的影响非常难以挽回。

It occurred about 1420 BC, since records exist of "Habiru" invasions of Canaan forty years later - this theory fits well the modern idea that the historical persona of Moses was the early 15th century BC Crown Prince of Egypt called Ramose, who also disappeared from Egyptian records around the time of Queen Hatshepsut's death


With a dedicated line catering to Kappa EnginesGlobe Valves of Hyundai Motor India Ltd., Rane Engine Valves ramps up its manufacturing capacity, as this line will supply valves for 400 kappa engines per day.


Researchers in the late 1960 covered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically, procedurally, relationally and innovatively.


Crowned as the revolutional product in the cell phone history, Apple iPhone succeed the artistic industrial design. Volume of 115×61×11.6mm and length of 11.6mm is the fashion trend of ultra-thin. What's more the weight of 135g is just right for a functional entertaining phone.


So far, however, both China and Japan, while verbally pandering to nationalists in their respective countries, have tried to avoid going beyond diplomatic skirmishing.


The use of high-quality larch, pine, Sorbus wood, Ash Glulam the use of German Lei Mashi high-grade green paint, Germany Noto hardware products in full compliance with state environmental requirements and cater to modern people The natural qualities of the strong desire.


ABSTRACT: About the research and studies of environment design, we must be entered into the social environment, the history environment and the humanities environment, pay attention to the age background. Under sufficing for the reasonable function request, constructing the good sense atmosphere and catering for up-and- coming age value orientation, we still need to promote the quality of environment to meet taste demand of environment service object.

怀伟摘 要:艺术品设计的研究和探讨,必须置于相应的社会环境、历史环境、人文环境中,关注它所处的时代背景,在满足合理的功能要求、营造良好感官氛围、迎合积极进取的时代价值取向的前提之下,还要提升环境的品位,来满足受众即环境的服务对象的审美需求。

After he took over at Versace in 2004, Mr Di Risio followed the Armani example, although he has continued to cater only to the super-rich. He is planning to build 15 super-luxury resorts around the world with Sunland Group, an Australian property developer.

2004年,Di Risio先生接手范思哲,虽然他继续只是迎合超级富豪,他还是效仿了Armani的做法:他正计划与澳洲领导房地产开发公司阳光集团在全世界兴建15间度假村酒店。

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The somatic cell count of goat milk is higher than that of cow and sheep milk due to its apocrine secretory system.


Third, based on the example of over proof on-load loss in 180MVA/220kV power transformer, the eddy loss in winding is analyzed with the leakage flux element software. Some conclusions with practical use are given. In order to reduce the load loss, primarily we should reduce radial leakage flux of transformer possibily.


The inkstones are the traditional famous specialities of China.

摘 要 砚台是我国的传统名特产品。