- 与 过期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The free tryout version allows users to convert 3 minutes of all content and doesn't expire.
They sit this winter like beached green whales on the frozen plains outside Wichita, Kans., two years overdue,$385 million over budget and gathering controversy like tumbleweed.
By default , a part is considered manufactured if it has child nodes AND if it also has no unexpired SupplierProducts defined .
默认, 一个零件有子节点而且他没有不过期的 SupplierProducts 定义,那么会自己生产。
Beforehand, take out the files that are unexpired, and destory the expired files; save you time and space.
After that we store the cookie name, cookie value and the expiration date in the document.cookie object.
While i was in hospital i overstayed my visa....
However, in fact, time is obviously an important factor for inventory. If some inventories were stored for a long time, they will deteriorate, volatilize, or decay, so their value and quantity will also decrease. This type of inventory is therefore called "Deteriorating Inventory".
My VIP will exceed the time limit soon , which place well-wisher there is being ready to help my oh ''''young 'west west woman Xiela , request to say at the furthest end of,.........
Whosever book is overdue will be fined.
Although the surveillance measure has expired, intelligence officials are still able to use wiretapping tools under pre-existing authorities.
- 推荐网络例句
Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
When you click Save, you save the file to the host′s hard disk or server, not to your own machine.