英语人>网络例句>迅速处理 相关的搜索结果


与 迅速处理 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because the medical corporations faces a complexity market, and the process of produce is also a complexity system, you must face a lot of puzzle and problem in the process of information, such as inconstant requirement of the customers, quick movement of the market, variety breed and changeable process, incontrollable term of delivery and quality of goods, illogicality of the ability of the software and the excessive expectation of the user. J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition) standard, founded by Sun Microsystems in 1999, contains a whole suit of standard and criterion for enterprise level applications. It has many advantages, such as independence of platform, easy expansibility and good security, which makes it very popular in IT industry.

由于药品生产企业面对着一个复杂多变的市场,而药品制造过程本身也是一个复杂的系统,所以其信息化过程中需要面对大量的难题,比如:难以预测的顾客需求和市场的快速变化、不断碰到的品种变化和流程改变、难以控制的交货期限和货物品质、不可调和的软件处理能力和使用者的过高期望等。J2EE(Java2 Enterprise Edition)是Sun公司1999年推出的基于Java的一整套企业应用开发标准和规范,具有跨平台的互操作性、可扩展性、安全性好等特点,迅速得到了业界的广泛支持。

The phase structure of the ceramic-coating includes γ-Al2O3, AlPO4 and CoO. The forming process of the ceramic-coating includes iron movement, melting of surface layer, movement of electrolyte towards the melting-zone and the final nucleus-forming and sintering. The ceramic coating looks like islands and islets. The ceramic coating and the matrix are integrated metallurgically.

结果表明:该陶瓷膜层由γ-Al2O3, AlPO4和CoO等组成;通过对陶瓷膜层的表面形貌和显微结构观察及分析,发现陶瓷膜层形成过程是一个离子运动,表面层不断被击穿形成熔融区,处理体系中的电解质不断向熔融区运动、成核并迅速烧结的过程;陶瓷膜层呈现岛屿状;陶瓷膜层与基体之间为冶金结合。

The Lynn White debate, which begun when White called for a rethinking of Christianity or its replacement by a nonWestern religion, has proved an obstacle to dealing with the environmental crisis The defense of Christianity that followed inhibited Asian and comparative environmental ethics in the West and did not produce environmentally useful results Whenever the relationship of religion and the environment was raised, the discussion quickly shifted to the issue of Christian responsibility for the environmental crisis The problem with the debate is that in many important ways, the White thesis is correct: Christianity is indeed responsible to a significant degree in that Christianity desacralized nature and it supported policies politically in the Middle Ages that encouraged now harmful human population growth and promoted science and technology, much of which has proved to be environmentally problematic There was nevertheless a second tradition of which Saint Francis of Assisi was a part that was environmentally friendly and that could be useful in rethinking Christianity environmentally It is however unlikely that Christianity will prove useful in the development of an environmental ethic in nonWestern countries or that nonWestern religions will succeed in producing an environmental ethic in the West It is therefore important that religious scholars move beyond assigning blame for the environmental crisis and find ways for the major world religions to help develop environmental ethics as best they can within their own cultural spheres


According to the need in evaluation of the crack in structure, the author of this paper developed a new system based of photoelastic mechanics and digital image proccessing , which is specialy used to measure the length and width of crack.


In late pregnancy the esophageal detector device is more likely to suggest esophageal placement (the aspirating bulb does not reinflate after compression) when the tube is actually in the trachea.

呼吸 ――妊娠患者因为自身功能性残气量减少和耗氧量增多可以迅速的形成低氧血症,因此救护者对其行给氧和通气处理。

The researchers can get the relative information quickly by collecting, organizing and managing the data and then use the information expediently. We can gain the deep-seated biological knowledge by dealing with and digging the data and then enhance our understanding to the biology world. In the applications and researches of biology and iatrology we can improve the efficiency and scientize the researches and exploitation by using the data and analysed results. Just like to examine the related genes of some disease basing on the result of analysing the genes' fuctions and to design a new medicine basing on the results of analysing the protein.


It should be simpler to provide tool support for OWL Lite than its more expressive relatives, and OWL Lite provides a quick migration path for thesauri and other taxonomies.

与其他更具有表现能力的相关规格比较起来﹐提供处理 OWL Lite 的工具相形简单多了﹐而且﹐OWL Lite也给词典和其他分类法提供一个可以迅速转换的路径。

However, the labor-developing history backgrounds in United Kingdom and Germany are completely different. Because of the more widespread tradition of voluntarism, the workplace-based confrontation and uncompulsory arbitrations brought the British industrial relations to be criticized. Since the end of World War Ⅱ, social-economic Germany established the institutions of Co-determination and Collective Bargaining. There are agreements of voluntary negotiations between the social partners and are not determined by legal enactments or any other form of state interference. On the other hand, the organized work councils in workplaces represent the interests of employees and prove able to promote a high degree of social integration.


The electronic structures and the non-linear optical properties of bis schiff base and their derivatives have been studied using FF/HF method.The effects of electron donor/acceptor on nonlinear optical property were examined at the molecular level.As a result,the NLO coefficients of the substituted compounds are all larger than the unsubstituted compound.Among them, the β value of compound 4 is the largest one.


Through adopt the measure such as controling status of hot metal (for example content of carbon, content of oxygen, amount of converter slag, weight of hot metal etc.), depressing degree of vacuum promptly by driving vacuum pump ahead or increasing flow of nitrogen, controling correctly inserted deepness of duck, controling the time of decarburizing, process parameters of decarbonization for managing IF steel using RH—MFB equipment are optimized.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
