英语人>网络例句>达蒙 相关的搜索结果


与 达蒙 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Robert Mondavi's Woodbridge wines represent quality wines that are meant to be enjoyed every day.


In Damaraland, the Mowani Mountain Camp, on a hilltop near Twyfelfontein (264-61-232-009; www.mowani.com), has luxury tents starting at 1,600 local dollars a person, with breakfast.

在达马拉兰,邻近特威菲尔方丹的山顶上有蒙瓦尼山帐篷宿营区(264-61-232-009; www.mowani.com),那里有非常豪华的蓬帐,每人最低收取1,600元当地货币,提供早餐。

From General Sikorski,Admiral Darlan,Field Marshal Rommel,and King Boris of Bulgaria to Fidel Castro,Patrice Lumumba,and Salvador Allende-we learn that Hitler,the world's most unscrupulous dictator,not only never resorted to the assassination of foreign opponents but flatly forbade his Abwehr to attempt it.


Royal astronomer John Flamsteed worked at this task for forty years.


They won through from a national championship featuring teams from Guadalajara, Mexico City, Puebla and Monterrey.


American football has been played in Mexico for more than 100 years. A vastly popular present-day program is Gatorade NFL Tochito, a non-contact league for boys and girls that reaches more than 100,000 children ages 8-18 in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Puebla.


If your primary concern is to curb emissions, you shouldn't be eating beef, says Nathan Pelletier, an ecological economist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, N.S., noting that cows produce 13 to 30 lb.


If your primary concern is to curb emission s, you shouldn't be eating beef, says Nathan Pelletier, an ecological economist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, N.S., noting that cows produce 13 to 30 lb.


Early in his career, he conducted for the Santa Fe Opera and studied at the Pierre Monteux School.


Suzie-Q Deep Sea Fishing Charters operates out of Falmouth, which is close to Montego Bay, offers both 8-hour and 4-hour charters for up to 12 people.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
