英语人>网络例句>达成 相关的搜索结果


与 达成 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With knowledge of area values and effective marketing strategies, our goal is to assist our clients to achieve the best possible price and terms in the shortest amount of time.

卖方 藉由区域价值和有效的行销策略的知识,我们的目标是协助我们的客户在最短量的时间中达成最好的可能价格和期限。

But if the Commonwealth cannot even agree on the suspension of a country that has so egregiously departed from the club's avowed aims of democracy and human rights, then what purpose does it serve ?


The eightfold path is a gradual path that must be cultivated through training in morality, concentration, and wisdom.


"It's over," Eisner said. They made the deal, they shook hands on the deal.


Eisner said the deal was struck last Friday.


The Fast Money host smartly asked Eisner if he was aware of what he was proclaiming over the airwaves, and the guest stuck to his story, saying, I know the deal's been made and I know the strike is over.

Fast Money节目主持人巧妙的提醒Eisner他是否知道自己在说什么,及这一消息是否确实时,他说:我知道他们已经达成了协议而且我知道罢工已经结束。

When the substitution elasticity of consumption utility function is higher, then the goal of pollution reduction is easier.


"Daily News" reported that an exclusive letter of up to silver and Australia's leading deep cheap growth stock fund XJ Electric after the storm, although the parties reached a letter Bank of Australia's tight-lipped fund, a person familiar but leaked to the newspaper the sale event The Insider:"The company internal friction, the resignation of former traders, temporary personnel drawn from other departments to act as dealers, only after a brief training on the job, less than a week on the sale incident occurred."


We finally came to a trade-off between efficiency in use and elegance of design.


From Wulin Square Road elevated in later, Shi Xiang Road, traveling to the northeast, reached the North Garden consuming less than 16 minutes.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
