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Main finding is that the effect of water on structure and properties of the epoxy polymer is non-monotonic: on one hand, more water can lead to the plasticization of the polymeric network, that is, decreased density, increased fractional free volume, accelerated local chains; on the other hand, less water can lead to the contrast trends of the said above properties, that is, antiplasticization.


Today there is more academic research than practical analysis, and according to such current condition this dissertation investigates the Adm cost of the Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau System of HeilongJiang province, particularizes the actuality of Adm cost of this administrative department singly, discloses the prominent existing problems, analyzes the cause theoretically, and introduces the suggestions and solutions to solve the high administrative expenditure.


Its absence perturbs the balance between actiation of the JAK–STAT and SHP-2–ERK-1/2–MAPK pathways, resulting in less self-renewal and a greater potential for differentiation into the primitie endoderm lineage.


The new method uses less samples and reconstructs higher precision smooth curves than previous methods.


Compared with the MgO prepared by direct thermal decomposition of the MgO precursor, the novel high-specific-surface-area MgO material contains more strong basic sites and less acidic sites and exhibited higher acetone yield and selectivity in isopropanol decomposition, making it a potential solid base catalyst.


The device can be used as finger root joint of robot simulating hand, it realizes the rotation of many fingers when robot catches object with simulating hand through less motor drive, it can adapt objects with different shapes and sizes and generate different catching force simultaneously; the device has compact structure, it is simple, reliable, attractive, easy to closed and dust-proof, it only needs lower control system requirements.


Stylets of the aphids on the stems could reach the phloem with less probes and shorter time compared to those of aphids on other two parts.And no significant differences were found in feeding behaviors among aphids on three plant parts once sustained ingestion started in the phloem.


Students tended to give less money to people described as "nasty misers" or "scrooges" and more to those depicted as "generous players" or "social players," Sommerfeld said.


The lowest Fst value shows that less genetic variations exist among population of F.gracilipes whic is close to panmictic There is almost no genetic differentiation between populations of F.statice . Genetic similarity is 55.3%~ 65.2% between species of F.tataricum and its related species, which is close to the average level among species in seed plants.

这些种的近交繁育系数 F 值-0.54~-0.80,为随机交配的居群,杂合体过多;营养繁殖为主的金荞麦的FST值最高,相对较多的遗传多样性存在于居群间,长柄野荞麦相对较少的遗传多样性存在于居群间,更接近于自由交配。

With detail analysis of zero-tree wavelet image compression algorithm originally proposed by Shapiro and then well-modified by Said and Pearlman, the algorithm is improved by suppressing high frequency noises as well as adaptively quantizing coefficients around edges.


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Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.


Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.


This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.
