英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here we describe a series of follicular lymphoma cases diagnosed in the spleen, consisting of 32 patients who presented clinically with splenomegaly, and slight or no peripheral lymphadenopathy.


They face each other squarely, they lean slightly toward each other, and there is more eye contact.


The slightly rising of the rolling resistance coefficient when starting, which rises progressively over a fluctuating speed range according to the design, can be explained due to the formation of a deformation wave on the flexion resistance.


Socket is slightly elongated because of wear superiorly.


Results: All patients had no pain or light pain only so as not to use any analgesic drugs and no influence on their sleep. They even walked freely, wearing loose shoes. Three days after operation cut wound was stuff full with newly born granulation tissues. About one week later, the cut wounds were completely covered by newly born white epithelial tissues. Continue using MEBO for another 1-2 weeks, all the wounds were healed. No obvious scars were observed and reserved nails were large and had beautiful outlook. There were no suppuration and infection at wounds and no phalanx ungula osteomyelitis occurred.

结果:病人术后无痛或轻微疼痛,无须用止痛药物,不影响睡眠,可穿宽松鞋自由走动;术后3d可见新生肉芽组织填满切口,1周左右可见新生白色的上皮组织完全覆盖切口,继续应用MEBO 1周~2周,全部愈合,愈合后无明显瘢痕,保留甲大而美观;切口无化脓感染,无末节趾骨骨髓炎发生。

Infections of 3 cases were controled after treatment with the wound dressing and compression bandaging after local inflammation organic resection, oral Xinhuang Tablets of proprietary Chinese medicines and antibiotics; 9 cases were treated with arthroscopic joint clean-up washing , 2 case of them were treated with incision debridement combined by synovectomy arthroscopic due to inability to complete debridement ; 3 case of them were treated with temporary prosthesis replacement surgery on the infection after total knee debridement due to recurring knee swelling and rupture , filling bone cement containing sensitive antibiotics, convection to wash on the articular cavity, and second phase renovation in stable condition, finally they recoveried postoperatively and discharged.

结果:对22例出现炎症性反应的TKA术后患者,经抗感染、关节腔对流冲洗、清创和Ⅱ期再置换并配合口服中成药新癀片等处理。10例轻微肿痛病人经单纯药物治疗,症状改善。12例患者应用外科干预, 3例行局部炎症组织切除后伤口换药并加压包扎,口服中成药新癀片及抗生素治疗后控制感染;9例在关节镜下行关节清理冲洗,其中2例在行关节镜下手术时因无法彻底清创行切开清创合并滑膜切除; 3例因反复出现膝关节红肿、疼痛、甚至破溃予全膝置换术后感染清创临时假体置换术,用含敏感抗生素骨水泥填充,对关节腔进行对流冲洗,待关节情况稳定后行Ⅱ期翻修,术后痊愈出院。

Cases that are diagnosed when the child is slightly older (over 6 months) are less common, partly because the physical deformation tends to be mild in these cases and thus not so obvious.


If you're one of the lucky ladies, you will experience at most a mild tingling.


Bushing compliance provides a modest toe-in effect in response to substantial cornering and braking loads to enhance overall stability.


He transiently transferred to Treasury and set a trap to compensate for his trivial loss.


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And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve.

22:3 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。

Teachers to consciously reflect on the study of theory and practice, constantly adjust and perfect their knowledge structure, in understanding the future of education, and social life on the basis of a correct conception of modern education bioethics.


But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology .
