英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Changes of erosion and accumulation of the seabed before and after the project The general characteristics of the pattern of erosion and accumulation of the seabed near the scheduled project both before and after the scheduled project are as the following: accumulation occurs at the areas lower than–10 isobath; some suspended sediment is deposited near the coast due to the relatively small tidal current with a monthly accumulation rate of 2-6 mm; while a slight erosion occurs in the areas deeper than–10 isobath with a monthly accumulation rate of .2 mm.


I was lucky ... I didn't get jaundice, just a slight infection before surgery.


This time Laertes seemed to fight better and at last he struckHamlet slightly on the shoulder with his sharp sword.


This time Laertes seemed to fight better and at last he struck Hamlet slightly on the shoulder with his sharp sword.


Any of three electrically neutral subatomic particles in the lepton family.


They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum.

据说 所有的狐狸都对油毡轻微过敏

"And Luminaire at last, ma'am," the Captain said, a slight tremor in his voice.


As Steven Malanga of the Manhattan Institute points out, he put law and order above everything else (instituting a "zero tolerance" approach to petty crime, for instance); tried to unleash the private sector (including abolishing or cutting 23 taxes); and took on vested interests, from teachers' unions to the welfare bureaucracy.


Manuka Honey has been shown to be effective in assisting the natural healing of an extensive range of minor wound types.


In addition to the current inflation in food and real estate, other price increases marginally.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
