英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reflexes were slightly brisker on the right then the left.


I walked briskly for 25 minutes, although my knees ache slightly now.


Adding a slight slant to the sides of the cover reduced the overall bulkiness and made it easier to insert the plugs.


It is usually light in the walk and halt, stronger in the trot and canter.


But for a slight rhythmic movement of the cartridge box at the back of his belt he might have been thought to be dead.


Required to send sounds clear and keep the chronaxy of original note, so the airflow is seems break but it is linked.


Mature cobia have forked, slightly lunate tail fins with most fins being a dark brown.

成熟因数已分支,轻微 lunate 尾鱼翅被一个深棕色的大多数翅。

As pressure builds in the valve, the rubber may again cold flow but this time very slightly.


After cleaning skin with face cream, dorp proper essence on cotton bud with burette, then coating on acne cyst with the cotton swab, and gently press 1 to 2 minuts, making effective ingredients permeate into the skin.

洁面后,用滴管往棉签上滴适量的精华液,用棉签涂于痘痘及痘印处,并轻压1-2分钟,使有效成分渗入皮下,轻微者每天1 - 2次,严重者每天3 - 4次。

Currently three gather cyanotype An to be thought that the toxicity is slight, the big rat take orally of the half the number cause death to have great capacity at 3 grams/kilogram weight.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
