英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, your fire apparatus appear some problems, slight sick Chinese medicine called get fire, western medicine called fever, maybe is the heart or small intestine problem, but out body we can check your tongue or pulse. Furthermore, autumn belong the metal, normally Chinese doctor tell us don't eat too many spicy food in autumn, otherwise is unhealthy to your lung. Because the spicy and lung both belong the metal, too much metal could cause to your lung or large intestine sick. Therefore the pneumonia and enteritis are very popular appear in autumn. Human's five emotions are also belong the five elements, like desolation belong the metal; anger belong the wood; funk belong the water; happiness belong the fire; unhappiness belong the earth. People who easily anger get liver sick easily; pavid person easily to get kidney sick; so happy cause to the heart problem, and so on.


Breed of terrier known for its superb senses of sight, hearing, and smell while hunting fox, weasel, European polecat, otter, badger, rat, and other small game; medium-length coat is slightly curly, hard, wiry, and dense; it is black and tan and often comes in a saddle pattern; ears are set high on head and fold forward in a V-shape; tail is thick, short, and carried erect; eyes are small, dark, and sparkling; adult stands 22 23 in.(56 58 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 40 50 lbs (18 23 kg); dutiful and courageous demeanor yet with a sweet disposition toward children and its master; served the Red Cross during World War I and World War II to locate wounded soldiers and carry messages; developed by Yorkshire hunting class to be used on river-valley hunting jaunts


The rate of subsidence has been decreasing from area near vertex of delta to the coastal zone and some place is even rising, particularly in the early formed area. What is the different in the coastal is that the rate of subsidence is still high and can sustain a long time. This is because the land subsidence in the delta is mainly caused by the consolidation of sediments if there is no human activity. Especially in the newly formed area, Qingshuigou sub-delta, the rate of subsidence was more than 50 mm/a in the begining and now is still higher than 10 mm/a. When the newly sediments discharged by the Yellow River landed on the subaquatic delta, its load can drive the concolidation of the silt, which is on the surface of the Bohai seafloor. The rate of consolidation of the silt will be decreasing quickly in the first years, but still a long time in the later time with a slow rate.


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.


And with these words he disappeared behind one of the tapestried portières. As the door opened, the sound of a guzla reached the ears of the young men, but was almost immediately lost, for the rapid closing of the door merely allowed one rich swell of harmony to enter. Franz and Albert looked inquiringly at each other, then at the gorgeous furnishings of the apartment. Everything seemed more magnificent at a second view than it had done at their first rapid survey.


Have slight stimulation because of massaging, the loop of so ameliorable blood and lymphatic fluid, also quickened cutaneous metabolism at the same time, complemental cutaneous nutrition, still can reduce cutaneous fatigue, enhance skin sarcous power, conduce to preserve cutaneous flexibility, defer cutaneous consenescence.


The second part demonstration uses three methods to test the herding and analyses the herding in Chinese stork market by the proper data from June the first, 2005 to June the first 2007, and then uses the investment aggregation intensity model to analyze the fund managers" herding based on the board effect. The conclusion is that the elucidative ability of Shanghai Stork average PE is strong to Herding effect, but the whole equation"s R~2 is small.


Probably a year .6 months like a baby, or minor, there is no need to eat so many drugs, children are still very small, not very healthy spleen and stomach, do not eat those drugs will be able to absorb, but also gastrorrhagia, too injured children the spleen and stomach, and give him the Victoria injection D3, eat some easily absorbed calcium can gradually be good, and sometimes can not listen to the doctor too, so long as the child's spleen and stomach well, eating something from top to bottom, it should be will soon be good.


These sections have a homey immediacy lacking in the rest of "Living History," which for all its roller-coaster drama — all the political scandals, marital woes and startling comebacks and reinventions — radiates the faintly stale air (particularly unnerving in the audio versions of the memoir) of being the carefully rehearsed and elided statements of a professional pol intent on turning a book tour into the first leg of another campaign.


In either case, there was very much the same solemnity of demeanour on the part of the spectators; as befitted a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly interfused, that the mildest and the severest acts of public discipline were alike made venerable and awful. Meagre, indeed, and cold, was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders, at the scaffold.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
