英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first part consists of three experiments:(1) The rings were incubated in KH, 20, 50 mmol/L 〓 for 1 house, relaxation in response to the EDHF stimuli A23187 in 30nmol/L U46619-induced preconrtaction in the presence of 7 μ mol/L indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, 300μmol/L LNNA, a nitric oxide biosyhnthesis inhibitor, and 1mmol/L tetraethylammonium , a 〓 blocker, or 3 μmol/L glibenclamide , a 〓 blocker, was compared with the control;(2) After the arteries were incubated in KH, UW solution or HTK solution at 4℃ for 4 hours, endothelium-derived relaxation (percentage of 30nmol/L U46619 precontraction) was induced by A23187 in the present of 7 μmol/L indomethacir and 300μmol/L LNNA;(3) After incubation with KH, UW solution and STH (either at 37℃ in oxygenated organ chamber or at 4℃ in a refrigerator for 4 hours), endothelium-derived relaxation (percentage of 30nmol/L U46619 precontraction) was induced by A23187 in the present of 7 μ mol/L indomethacin and 300 μmol/L LNNA.


In the quiet of that place even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the sounds of the forest are but the ghosts of sound--the faint sighing of evergreen needles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen trees resting against their neighbors and rubbing bark against bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


In the quiet of that place even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the sounds of the forest are but the ghosts of sound----the faint sighing of evergreen needles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen trees resting against their neighbors and rubbing bark against bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


In the quiet of those socate even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the corrects of the forest are not but the ghosts of correct----the faint sighing of evergreen commandles in the moving air; the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen leaves resting one more timest theirs neighbors and rubbing bark one more timest bark; the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the foot of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.


Jones' participation could be delayed by a slight hamstring problem, while Ian Harte is unlikely to be included after he missed the Black Cats' reserve-team game on Thursday night because his international clearance had not arrived in time, and former United striker Andrew Cole is short of match fitness.


Stay For You Morning Bells and Chimes From the serene heart and mind Leads to the slight sensation of being moved For so long, It seems like I don't know what tears are anymore From the initial innocent Falling down to the freedom and madness Lit the candles of life and burn After it is the beautiful ends of ashes Every second Every minuet Every moment After long, What is in the eyes are the cold gray left from the burning What is left to pull the heartstrings?


It was in fact only a matter of months and he could easily foresee him participating in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the festivities of the Christmas season, for choice, causing a slight flutter in the dovecotes of the fair sex and being made a lot of by ladies out for sensation, cases of which, as he happened to know, were on record-in fact, without giving the show away, he himself once upon a time, if he cared to, could easily have.


On clinical examination there was no evidence of arthritis in the left ring finger PIP joint. We confirmed the paucity of joint damage in the PIP joint of the left ring finger using more modern imaging modalities such as musculoskeletal ultrasound and MRI scan of the small joints of the hands.


The rapid surface seems to put him in a safe place especially since Guga arrives at the tournament slightly injured.

当他到达了里斯本的大师赛站时,俄罗斯人领先他的对手Gustavo Kuerten有75分,有这样的优势让萨芬看起来非常的安全,特别是Gustavo Kuerten是带着轻微的伤病来到这里的。

Possible side effects include a temporary pink eye, slight changes in eye colour, and thicker and darker eyelashes.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
