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与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the magmas ascendedand intruded, the high-energy, quick ascending primary mantle magmas with xenolith andhigh-pressure megacrysts didn't react with the crustal matter, which formed products, such ascone sheets.


In industrialized countries mild zinc deficiency symptoms such as white spots on finger nails, rough skin and dull looking hair can often be corrected by supplying the body with the right amount of zinc each day.


"Apraclonidine, a selective alpha-2-agonist, was developed to lower intraocular pressure and minimize the systemic side effects associated with the use of its parent drug, clonidine," write Patrick Watts, MBBS, MS, from the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, United Kingdom, and colleagues."An investigation of the site of action of apraclonidine incidentally uncovered a reversal of anisocoria in patients with absent sympathetic innervation of one pupil due to its alpha-1-effect on a pupil with denervation supersensitivity.... The easy availability of apraclonidine, its mild alpha-1-agonist activity, and its hitherto benign safety profile has encouraged its use as a first-line drug in the diagnosis of oculosympathetic paralysis."

英国加地夫市威尔斯大学附设医院的外科学硕士Patrick Watts及研究同仁指出,Apraclonidine是一种选择性的α-2-拮抗剂,是用来降低眼内压,并减少其母系药物降保适使用上的相关全身性副作用;在一项针对apraclonidine作用位置的研究中,因其单侧瞳孔神经切除之α-1-效应,而附带提出单侧瞳孔无交感神经支配患者之瞳孔大小不等为可逆转,apraclonidine之高可利用率,其轻微的α-1-拮抗活性,以及迄今良好的用药安全档案,更强化其作为视交感神经瘫痪诊断第一线药物的使用率。

As the density of Al and Cu was quite difference,it was apt to delaminate and restrain the process of alloy by wet milling.The case was improved when dry milling,though it would be some reunite with the time of ball-milling prolonging.(2)The best technique parameters of high energy ball milling to prepare metastable powders of Cu-Al alloy were;the addition of Al powders was 1% in quality,the powders of Cu-Al were completely alloyed after high energy ball milling for 20 h.


There is usually little or no progression, the EMG shows non-specific myopathic features and serum CK is normal or only slightly raised.1 The muscle biopsy may show characteristic ultrastructural abnormalities but these can be difficult to detect without specific histochemistry and/or electron microscopy that were not available in 1981 when our patient was biopsied.


Of 299 patients in this retrospective study, most had mild stenosis and no need for surgery.Dr. Oldenburg told Medscape that the study also included patients who were not good operative candidates."I think that patients with mild stenosis who are poor operative candidates is a good option. Unfortunately, the chances of LESI being beneficial for patients with severe stenosis are far less."


Of 299 patients in this retrospective study, most had mild stenosis and no need for surgery.Dr. Oldenburg told Medscape that the study also included patients who were not good operative candidates."I think that patients with mild stenosis who are poor operative candidates is a good option. Unfortunately, the chances of LESI being beneficial for patients with severe stenosis are far less."


According to the morphological characteristics of cementite lamellae, the deformed pearlite can be divided into three kinds: irregularly bent lamella (pearlite lamella originally inclined with large angles to the rolling plane and irregularly bent after deformation); coarse lamellae with shear-band (the rhomboidal blocks of weakly deformed lamella bounded by shear band) and fine l...

按 渗碳体形态特点,变形珠光体组织可分为以下3种类型:(1)不规则弯曲片层型,即变形后的渗碳体与轧制面呈大角度偏离且不规则弯曲的珠光体。(2)带有剪切带的粗大片层型,即被渗碳体剪切带分开且变形轻微的珠光体。(3)精细片层型,即与轧制方向平行排列、片间距细小且渗碳体严重变形的珠光体。精细片层区域的比例随着轧制压下率的提高而增大。此外,重度冷轧变形还引起渗碳体严重塑性变形和部分溶解。

An unusual isolate from watercress mottle,in association withturnip mosaic and cucumber mosaic viruses,produced small white local necrotic lesions on sapinoculated leaves of Nicotiana tabacum,N.rustica,N.glutinosa,Datura stramonium,Solanumnigra,Brassica pekinensis,B.chinensis,B.campestris,Raphanus sativa,Nasturtium officinale,Spinacia oleracea and Amaranthus mangostanus while small brown local necrotic lesions onGomphrena globosa,Phaseolus vulgaris,Dolichos lablab...


The former formed a kind of KR cyst, while the later formed a kind of NKR cyst. All the kinetosomes, ciliary shafts and microtubules were resorbed in the former, meanwhile, the cell lost most water and cell volume decreased distinctly. In the later, only part of kinetosomes and part of microtubules were resorbed. Cell lost water slightly and volume decreased slightly.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
