英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I like many of the smell which is hated by others, such as the light fustiness, the humid dust, garlic and cheap perfume.


The simulated results show that a stable acoustic standing wave is formed in bubble column under the geometric arrangements and the transducer boundary condition employed in this study. Due to the nonlinear behavior of the resonant wave and viscosity of water, there is a temporal shift at pressure nodes.


The loose-tight combined criminal policy, from the law point of view, is to punish severe criminal crimes and give lenity to light inner conflicts. Our criminal law policy is to combine loose and tight, to be loose or tight accordingly.


Three results are received:(1) The population of neurons can synchronize when the strength of gap junction is large enough and the process is chaotic and complex;(2) The nonlinear and complexity of the seriously disorder oscillation are larger than that of slightly disorder oscillation in a 2-D network;(3) The nonlinear and complexity of the oscillations with strong strength of gap junction are larger than that of that with weak strength of gap junction.


Every single one of the hotties uses gradients subtly, either to give bars a slight roundedness, to create a soft feeling of space in the background, or to make an icon stand out with embossing and subtle drop-shadows.


The smell as well, I like those that people don't like: the slight smell of mist, the smell of wet dust, the smell of scallion and garlic, and the smell of cheap perfume.


Dengue virus infection is an important infectious disease that affects many people in the subtropic and tropic country, which is an arthropod born virus transmitted by Ades egypti and Ades albopictus.


Under the superfusion of low potassium Tyrode's solution, EAD were relatively easy to occur in both mouse atrial and ventricular fibers, suggesting the close relation between the potassium currents and the generation of EAD.

我室以往的工作表明:小鼠心肌是研究EAD的理想标本。既使轻微的低钾(3mM 〓)条件也足以诱发小鼠心房肌和心室肌的EAD(尽管二者难易度上存在差别),提示小鼠心肌细胞上的钾电流与EAD的发生关系密切。

Preliminary trials of holy basil leaves and hairy basil seeds have shown that these herbs may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels. 233 234 235 An uncontrolled study reported that 1,000 mg per day of holy basil lowered blood sugar, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, 236 while a controlled trial tested 2,500 mg per day and found similar changes in blood sugar, but only minor effects on total blood cholesterol. 237 The mechanism of action of holy basil leaf is not understood and it is unknown whether common culinary sweet basil would have similar effects.

在圣罗勒,毛叶和罗勒种子的初步试验显示,这些草药可以帮助二型糖尿病患者控制血糖水平。233 234 235不受控制的研究报告说,每天1000毫克的神圣罗勒降低血糖,低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯,236而对照试验测试的每天2500毫克,发现血糖类似的变化,但只有轻微的影响血胆固醇总含量。237行动机制神圣罗勒叶不理解,这是未知之数共同烹饪甜罗勒将具有类似的效果。

But high initial death rates often fall as officials find that the causative microbe also causes mild, even symptomless cases.


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The next day he stood up in class and asked for the floppies back.


Based on the analysis of working process of ejection gun of rocket ejection seat ,the physical and mathematical models of interior ballistics of ejection gun were established and the interior ballistics parameters of a rocket eject seat were validated by test and calculation.


It is meaningless to list drinks with written words to the customers who are unfamiliar with alcohols.
