英语人>网络例句>轻微的 相关的搜索结果


与 轻微的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The true action is only to be secured when the amount of ellipticity is exceedingly slight, the centre of motion of the revolving piston-shaft being in a line intersecting the minor axis, at about one-third of the length of such an axis.


From the perfusion experiments with isolated rabbit heart and vessels were obtained the follow- ing results:(1)Potassium antimony tartrate produced depression of the isolated rabbit heart,and this depressant action became more marked when the pH of the solution was raised from the original value of 5.4 to that of 7.2;(2)At the same pH levels,the cardiac action of the potassium salt was slightly stronger than that of the corresponding sodium salt;(3)The slight vase-dilator effect of potass- ium anti...

从离体器官的灌注实验得到下列结果:(1)酒石酸锑钾对离体兎心有抑制作用,将其pH 从5.4调整到7.2时,作用亦随以增加。(2)在相同 pH 时,酒石酸锑钾的心臓抑制作用较酒石酸锑钠略强。(3)酒石酸锑钾对离体兎耳血管的轻微扩张作用,系由于该药溶液的微酸性反应,当将药液 pH 调整至7后即无作用。(4)对于离体兎肺血管则不问 pH 为4.8或7,均产生轻微的血管收缩作用。

As we increased the magnification, the Megrez ED continued to give us color-free images, but the Megrez Fl. didn抰 follow the footsteps of his twin brother. In fact, the Megrez Fl. showed a slightly red rim around bright stars and a red haze around the edge of the moon. Again, the difference is was not much, but noticeable.


In summary, in all procedures, endoscopists should attempt to identify the presence of an area of the mucosa that is slightly discoloured, an irregular microvascular network and a slight elevation or depression.


Results: 1 Tritiated thymidine incorporation assay showed that 1μM adenosine plus coformycin slightly inhibited CTLL-2 proliferation, while 5-20μM adenosine elicited marked inhibition on CTLL-2 proliferation responded to IL-2 a dose-dependent fashion. 2 Coformycin alone could also inhibit CTLL-2 proliferation at the concentration of 2.5μM. The underlying reason maybe due to the endogenous adenosine produced by CTLL-2 cells.


Slight stress corrosion cracking phenomenon occurred accompanying with a little dot corrosion. On the other hand, sensitised treatment will decrease the IGSCC resistance of stainless steel.


You model your surface detail as you would paint it in Photoshop, top down, with only relatively small directional changes, any polys perpendicular to the camera will of course not be visible and there for require their own little bit of space in render, just like a texture map.


EDAX and talysurf. There were four wear regimes for KRF/GCI, during the starting friction period abrasion was dominant, when the process of the formation and break of transfer layers was balanced the main wear mechanisms were adhesion and fatigue, mild melt wear was found at higher temperature. For KRF/MMC, the dominant wear mechanisms were ploughing and microcuting during the running-in, when transfer layer formed, the film-film adhesion at the interface became dominant and mild melt wear occurred also at high temperature.


A light sentence; a light accent; casualties were light; light snow was falling; light misty rain; light smoke from the chimney.


Smaller and of a slighter build she would have passed for a woman but with the slight touch of the over-dressing which I feel characterises a drag queen.


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And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve.

22:3 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。

Teachers to consciously reflect on the study of theory and practice, constantly adjust and perfect their knowledge structure, in understanding the future of education, and social life on the basis of a correct conception of modern education bioethics.


But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology .
