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To better understand the roles of LsrA protein in nodulation, a series of analyses of nodules using scanning electron microscopy, genetic and biochemical approaches have been carried out. Our analyses suggest that the lsrA1 nodules contain bacteroids in the invasion and establishing zone only. The lsrA gene expression is active early in the invasion zone and activated later than bacA genes. The lost of LsrA protein dramatically reduced the expression of nifA and fixK, and completely blocked the expression of the nifH gene for nitrogenase. LsrA protein functions early in the bacteroid development and it is essential for the development nitrogen fixing bacteroids.

前期的工作中,苜蓿中华根瘤菌Rm1021中90个候选LysR基因已经被定向插入突变,并筛选在自生生长时期、共生生长时期的表型,以期寻找更多在自生状态或共生固氮中有功能的LysR转录因子。1 针对前期鉴定出的共生固氮必需的lsrA基因,我们应用了一系列扫描电子显微镜技术、生物化学、分子遗传学等方法,发现lsrA基因主要在根瘤侵染区开始表达,表达时序也在侵染阶段左右,但晚于bacA基因表达;LsrA蛋白缺失后根瘤固氮区中缺乏具有固氮能力的类菌体,nifA和fixK基因的转录水平降低,nifH基因的转录被完全阻断,因此LsrA蛋白为根瘤发育所必需,是新的根瘤发育信号传导途径成员。2 通过表型筛选我们鉴定了苜蓿中华根瘤菌的oxyR基因,并研究了它的调节特性。oxyR突变后,苜蓿中华根瘤菌对过氧化氢敏感性提高,适应性降低。

To investigate whether the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in spermatogenic cells during spermatogenesis is actually a temperature dependent event, in situ hybridization, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis were used to study the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in normal and cryptorchid testis. Results showed that heat would differentially hurt male germ cells in different developmental stages during spermatogenesis, especially the pachytene primary spermatocytes. Most of spermatogonia in contralateral cryptorchid testis were not harmed fatally by heat as yet, indicating that spermatogonia could resist to beat to a certain extent. In this case spermatogonia could develop to pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes, but they could not acquire the ability to complete the transition from mitosis to meiosis, and then appeared to go through apoptosis. Therefore, we could not find the descendants of meiosis: secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids, elongated spermatids and spermatozoon. The abdominal temperature had no significant influence on the transcription of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in the spermatogonia and pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes. In normal rabbit testis, cyclin B1 increased in the pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes before meiosis and reached its peak in the spermatids.

为了解精子正常发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1表达的低温依赖性,我们利用原位杂交和免疫组化等方法,研究了正常和隐睾精子发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1的转录和翻译调控活动,结果表明:(1)热对各阶段的雄性生殖细胞都有损害,粗线期的初级精母细胞尤为敏感,实验性隐睾内的精原细胞尚未完全受到"致命"影响,说明精原细胞对热有一定的耐受性,但即使成为粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞,却未能获得由有丝分裂过渡到减数分裂的能力,呈现不同程度的凋亡,所以在整个切片中找不到源自减数分裂的产物----次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞,更谈不上长形精子细胞和精子的形成;(2)腹腔高温未明显地影响隐睾精原细胞和粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中cyclinB1和cdc2的转录,说明高温并不是通过影响cyclin B1和cdc2的转录活动而导致生精过程阻断的;(3)正常兔睾丸组织中,〓在精原细胞和粗线期/双线期精母细胞中均有表达:cyclin B1蛋白在减数分裂前期的粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中的表达量增加,于变态末期的精子细胞中达高峰。

The evolution of frontal rainbands happening during the frontogenesis induced by deformation field is investigated through the numerical cloud model. Besides, in order to get insight from the results of numerical simulations, the semigeostrophic frontogenesis model is used to investigate the effect of diabatic heating on the frontogenesis and the analytical method of WKBJ is used to study the influence of large-scale deformation field and frontal circulation on the development of symmetric disturbance happened in the frontal zone.


The moisture flux in case 2006 was more than case 2005. The frontogenesis process in case 2006 was obvious; it showed that the front system was accompanied with a strong temperature gradient. The mid and low-level frontogenesis process played an important role in the development and maintenance of causing the front convective systems. The jets were formed with the difference of horizontal ageostrophic wind in vertical direction.


Then, the fronts .of different intensities are superposed on the orographic disturbances and pushed by basic geostrophic flow to climb over the orography.


Mountains do not turn water transfer, Zhenzhen is: do not look at pre-existence, it seems the World.


Ovary superior, 2-loculed; ovules 2 per locule; placentation axile, appearing nearly basal, apotropous or anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; style simple, connate; stigma discoid or capitate, rarely 4-lobed, not papillate.


The team developed a siRNA product that specifically blocks the transcription of the gene that codes for IL-8, thereby blocking production of this protein, and encases it in a liposome delivery system. In mouse studies, this product showed activity against 2 ovarian cancer cell lines, both when used alone and when used in combination with docetaxel. In addition, the mouse studies revealed that the product was decreasing tumor growth through anti-angiogenic mechanisms — the treated tumors showed a lower microvessel density, the researchers report. This product was \"highly effective in our preclinical studies and may merit clinical development,\" they write. However, they also caution that the cell lines used to create the mouse models might not accurately reflect the heterogeneity seen in human tumors.


From 6860 to 3170 cal.yr BP,semi-desert steppeexpanded,regional montane forest steppe retreated,suggesting a prolonged warm and dryclimate.Between 3170 and 2340 cal.yr BP,regional forest steppe expanded whereassemi-desert steppe retreated,indicating the climate became cool and wet gradually and thehumidity reached the maximum at the end of this stage.During 2340~1600 cal.yr BP,Poaceae steppe dominated whereas wetland meadow expanded and the montane forest stepperetreated,suggesting a cool and wet climate prevailed,wormwood grass steppe prevailed andthe climatic instability increased after 1600 cal.a BEThe climate and environmental reconstructions by pollen were supported by the diatomrecords.A relative high lake level and moister climate prevailed between 8660 and 7230 cal.yr BP as inferred by the dominance of planktonic diatom genera and high planktonic/benthicratio (〉40).low lake level and dry climate sustained during 7230~2330 cal.yr BP assuggested by the low abundance of planktonic diatom and low planktonic/benthic ratio ~20and the lake returned to high level during 2330~930 cal.yr BP as inferred by there-dominance of the planktonic diatom and the high value of palnktonic/benthic ratio.The pollen-based climate reconstruction was also consolidated by the grain size andPediastrum concentration records.

Ugii Nuur湖周围现代孢粉研究表明:松属为空气传播的外来花粉,其含量变化可能指示了远山森林草原发育状况;禾本科具显著低代表性,母体植物建群时含量通常在10%以下:藜科花粉含量可以指示区域气候干旱程度。2、以现代孢粉研究为基础、可靠AMS~(14)C年代为框架,Ugii Nuur孢粉记录高分辨率地重建了蒙古国中部地区过去8660 cal.yr BP以来的植被和气候变化。8660~7800 cal.yr BP研究区植被为禾草草原,湖畔及河谷低地发育苔草草甸,远山发育松属针叶林和森林草原,气候温和略湿润;其中8350~8250 cal.yr BP湿生草甸扩张,旱生植物成分减少,气候凉湿。7800~6860 cal.yr BP旱生成分增加,气候转向暖干。6860~3170 cal.yrBP半荒漠草原扩张,远山森林草原退缩,山地草原和河谷及湖畔湿生草甸退缩,气候持续暖干。3170~2340 cal.yr BP半荒漠草原退缩,远山森林草原扩张,气候转凉变湿,末期湿度条件达最佳。2340~1600 cal.yr BP禾草草原发育,湖畔及河谷低地湿生草甸扩张,远山森林草原略有退缩,气候总体较凉湿。1600 cal.yr BP以来研究区发育禾草-冷蒿草原,气候波动较大。

Results of inversion show that pre-Tertiary deposition in Dongying depression is controlled with westnorth structures. Archaean group is the crystal basement of Dongying depression, which is a north steep and south gentle rift subsidence basin striking from eastnorth to near westeast, and the deepest position is up to 12000 m at the area of Xianhe and Xinzhen. The configuration of Ordovician of lower Palaeozoic system highly inherits that of Archaean group and both have a strong consistency. The configuration of Mesozoic inherits that of lower Palaeozoic system as a whole, but filling and local reconstruction are distinct, and the scope of Dongying depression has obviously decreased.

结果表明,东营凹陷前古近系沉积主要受北西向构造的控制,太古界构成东营凹陷的结晶基底,是一个北东转近东西向的北陡南缓的断陷,最深处位于现河、辛镇一带,可达12000 m;下古生界奥陶系构造具有很强的继承性,其构造格局与太古界有很强的一致性;中生界宏观上继承了下古生界的构造形态,但填平补齐和局部改造比较明显,凹陷范围明显缩小。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
