英语人>网络例句>路易斯安那 相关的搜索结果


与 路易斯安那 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrate d on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。转贴于:24EN.COM

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。赶快加入公共英语考试的聚集地——公共英语考试圈!

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。更多精彩资讯敬请访问公共英语首页。

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。来源:时代学习网-公共英语

C.D. Wright's most recent books are Cooling Time: An American Poetry Vigil and One Big Self: Prisoners of Louisiana with photographer Deborah Luster.

C.D。莱特的最新作品集是《冷却时间:美洲诗的不眠夜》和《一个大写的自我:路易斯安那的囚犯》(该书配有Deborah Luster拍摄的照片)。

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our modern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.


Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our modern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.


In it, he admits to three 1989 murders in his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana.


The vehicles are manufactured and produced in Shreveport, Louisiana.


The new owner won't have control of the Shreveport plant in Louisiana, however, as GM will keep this and continue building the Hummer H3 there as a supplier.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
