英语人>网络例句>越狱 相关的搜索结果


与 越狱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The police are trying to tie up the murder with the recent escape from prison.

eg。 警方正设法证明这起谋杀案和新近发生的越狱事件有关。

To cleanse your unredressed injustice, road Heavens Soldiers prisoners in the same room with the help of Jiang Fenglou jailbreak success, he immediately made Heibailiangdao Note: official to bring the road to justice, and the underworld that on the coveted gold.


The escapees in the utility room below panic at the sound of jingling keys. It can only be one thing.


The men start sliding down the rope, and back into the drainage area below the utility room.


Wentworth says,"I think the character I play is potentially sexy."


Wentworth miller is the star of Fox's new hit series: Prison Break.


I'm thinking, uh, breaking into a building isn't too far outside your wheelhouse.


He''s looking abouts stable as a three-legged chair, and he''s escaping with us?


One of the men was identified as Ashraf Sekkaki, a 26-year-old convicted bank robber who has been described as one of the most dangerous criminals in Belgium.

其中一名越狱犯被确定为 Ashraf Sekkaki ,他是一名26岁的银行劫匪,被认为是比利时最危险的罪犯之一。

Stormare has carved out a nice niche as a cult actor, and this has got to be one of my favorite performances by the occasionally hammy actor.

Peter Stormare 在《越狱》中饰演John Abruzzi, Stormare刚出炉的一部电影是《Unknown》,然后大家可以在万人期待的《格林兄弟》中,看到他和马特·达蒙,海斯·雷吉演对手戏。

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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
