英语人>网络例句>越南的 相关的搜索结果


与 越南的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though Ghosananda led these Dhammayietra, or "Pilgrimages of Truth" in the early 1990s, well after the signing of peace accords to end a civil war between the remnants of the murderous Khmers Rouges and the new, Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government, he often found war still raging.


Though Ghosananda led these Dhammayietra , or "Pilgrimages of Truth" in the early 1990s, well after the signing of peace accords to end a civil war between the remnants of the murderous Khmers Rouges and the new, Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government, he often found war still raging.


Though Ghosananda led these Dhammayietra , or "Pilgrimages of Truth" in the early 1990s, well after the signing of peace accords to end a civil war between the remnants of the murderous Khmers Rouges and the new, Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government, he often found war still raging.


Example: commodity popular in Vietnam which is perhaps potential for china: coffee bean, chestnut, cassava starch, wooden, Chinese herb.....for Vietnam: second-hand machine, garment, toys, industrial parts or accessories....


"In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War."

1968年三月林登。当约翰逊总统宣布因为越南战争他将会再次参与选举的消息让美国政界大为震惊。可惜的是,最后一句的翻译,是&不再参与选举&,貌似你给落了个'不'字哎金币+ 11 个

This seminar, to be chaired by the Nossal Institute for Global Health's Professor Nick Crofts will bring together regional expertise from the law enforcement and health sectors to explore issues of HIV and injecting drug use in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and beyond.

本次研讨会由 Nossal 全球健康问题研究所的 Nick Crofts 教授担任筹备委员会主席,汇集来自执法部门和公共卫生部门的专家、学者。与会者将共同探讨越南、柬埔寨、老挝以及周边地区的艾滋病和注射毒品问题。

Attacks on fellow soldiers, known as fraggings, were not uncommon during the Vietnam war but are believed to be rare in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Barbados already has a relatively complete set of roads, while Vietnam is almost completely devoid of any details outside of the major cities and St. Vincent and the Grenadines are nothing but gray blobs on the map so far.


Then there are the indigenes, the French term for natives being appropriate because Pandora evokes the Indochina that existed before France's doomed war against an indigenous insurgency, as well as the Vietnam that became a battleground for American troops.


Then there are the indigenes the French term for natives being appropriate because Pandora evokes the Indochina that existed before France's doomed war against an indigenous insurgency as well as the Vietnam that became a battleground for American troops.

还有潘多拉星的土著, indigene 这个词出自法语,用在这里很合适,因为潘多拉星酵像是民族独立运动遭到法国武装镇压前的印度支那半岛,或是成为美国士兵战场的越南。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。