英语人>网络例句>越南的 相关的搜索结果


与 越南的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a huge country, the evolvement of media in America is worth to pay attention a fortiori.


Vietnam, access to good market reputation.


Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the People s Republic in the Vietnam problem .


Joint Venture established in China in 1999, ADEN Services is a subsidiary of ADEN Services Co., Ltd a


The SSTA of February and August in 1998 had two peaks, while the wind speed reached its maximum minus anomalies in January and August. In order to find the circulation anomaly in the South China Sea, the circulation of 19952000 had been calculated by the ECOM hydrodynamic numerical model. The elevation and circulation of January and August in 1998 indicated that there were great anomaly of elevation and circulation after this El Nio event.(1)In January, the whole South China Sea had positive sea level anomaly and anticyclonic velocity anomaly, so the cyclonic circulation was weaker than normal.(2) In August, the South China Sea had positive sea level anomaly, especially stronger in the east of Vietnam, and cyclonic velocity anomaly in south, anticyclonic velocity in north, especially strong in the east of Vietnam. So the cyclonic gyre in the north and the anticyclonic gyre in the south were both weaker than normal, and an anticyclonic gyre appeared in the east of Vietnam.


Hector Gonzales, a ruthless kingpin who has risen through the ranks over the last ten years and now stands on the verge of ruling the city; Bill Nguyen, a Vietnamese mafia boss; Abe Shanks, a black market organ dealer; Johnny Tran, a young Dai Ca within Nguyen's Viet mafia; Tommy Two Toes, a hot tempered Sicilian Capo; Lenny, a brutal mercenary working for the highest bidder; Pablo Valdez, a flamboyant Columbian drug lord; Donnie Edwards, a drug dealing Vice cop with aspirations to escape the undertow of the cities criminal milieu; and, at the center of this dark yarn, Cash, a gunslinging ex-convict on a death quest to find the man who raped and murdered his wife over a decade ago, Hector Gonzales.

Hector Gonzales是一个凶狠的首领,并在军中服役超过十年了,几乎统治了这个城市。Bill Nguyen是越南黑手党老大。Abe Shanks是一个黑市器官商人。Johnny Tran是Nguyen手下一个年轻越南人。Tommy Two Toes是一个暴躁的西西里岛黑帮老大。Lenny是一个唯利是图的残忍雇佣兵。Pablo Valdez是哥伦比亚毒枭。Donnie Edwards一个贩毒的堕落警察并渴望回头。Hector Gonzales刑满释放,并想在这个充满黑暗,金钱的世界里找十多年前奸杀他妻子的人报仇。

Just how attractive will become clearer in the coming weeks, when Hanoi-based Vietcombank, one of Vietnam's big four state-owned banks, finalises plans to offer shares amounting to 10 per cent of the bank's capital in the first in a string of big bank IPOs this year and next.


Both battalions were part of the 101st in Vietnam but saw their colors inactivated during an Army-wide reflagging of combat battalions in the 1980s, with 1-506th INF resurfacing in Korea, along with 1-503d INF and 2-503d INF, as Air Assault units within the 2d Infantry Division.


The public's generally positive impression of Senator's Kerry's character is based in large part on his record during the war in Vietnam, when he performed heroically as the commander of a "swift boat",②a light military craft used by the US Navy to thread the rivers and canals of southern Vietnam.


Vietnamese villagers, civilians employed by the Army, often visited the compound with their families, showing-off their children to those of us who carried handy supplies of Hershey bars and hard, candy treats.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
