英语人>网络例句>超自然的 相关的搜索结果


与 超自然的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It might be, on this one day, that there was an expression unseen before, nor, indeed, vivid enough to be detected now; unless some preternaturally gifted observer should have first read the heart, and have afterwards sought a corresponding development in the countenance and mien.


It might be, on this one day, that there was an expression unseen before, nor, indeed, vivid enough to be detected now; unless some preternaturally gifted observer should have first read the heart, have afterwards sought a corresponding development in the countenance mien.

这一天,她脸上或许有一种前所未见的表情,不过此时 www.8 tt t8.Com 尚未清晰可察;除非有一个具备超自然秉赋的观察者能够 SSBBww 首先洞悉她的内心,然后8t t t8.com 才会在她的表情和举止上找到相应的变化。

The system of philosophy that became known as Pythagoreanism combined ethical , supernatural, and mathematical beliefs with many ascetic rules, such as obedience and silence and simplicity of dress and possessions.


It is the sure sign of the death of a religion when its mythic presuppositions become systematized, under the severe, rational eyes of an orthodox dogmatism, into a ready sum of historical events, and when people begin timidly defending the veracity of myth but at the same time resist its natural continuance--when the feeling for myth withers and its place is taken by a religion claiming historical foundations.


Totentanz 5 narrates a magician in solitude, alone in a world charged with a few supernal objects which are made to stand here for all that is left out, for what cannot be said or no longer imagined.

死亡之舞》 5讲述了一个孤独的魔术师,独自在一个充满超自然事物的世界里,这些物体在这里代表的是那些被漏掉的事物,代表那些没法说或者无法想像的事物。

True, I had emphasized to my students that they describe their subjects along thematic lines, but there was something supernaturally real and uncannily familiar to me about this fire-breathing dragon of an English teacher.


Halloween is notable for showing the darker, supernatural side of Celtic custom – communion with the dead, mischief, fortunetelling and masquerades are common practices.


These days Lenora has achieved fame as the singer in a Los Angeles-based rock band, but unfortunately her high profile status has made her the target of a supernatural killer.


Now, as Johnny attempts to reacquaint himself with a life he has been away from for six long years, he must also begin a quest to come to terms with his new abilities - abilities that may turn out to be both a blessing and a curse.

现在,Johnny 除了尝试适应昏迷六年后的生活外,还需要把不知道是福是祸的超自然力量弄走,继续以普通人的姿态生活。帮助 Johnny 恢服体能的物理治疗师 Bruce John L。

What is the subject matter of these books is it just to maintain youthful body, or to obtain psychic powers,or is it to develop the capacity to awaken the potential energyand attain supraconsciousness?


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
