英语人>网络例句>超导的 相关的搜索结果


与 超导的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Previously, superconductivity occurred only in metals cooled to near absolute zero ( 273 degrees C).


It is true case that there is occupancy of O(3)at the apical site in NCCO.


Have superconduction of Xi Menzi 1.5T machine of CT of many nuclear magnetic resonance, helix and examine of the division full automatic biochemical analyzer, full automatic corpuscular computation appearance, blood coagulates analyzer of appearance, specific protein, full automatic appearance of appraisal of immune glow appearance, bacterium large and medium-sized equipment of medical treatment instrument.


This paper presents an ultra-narrow bandpass HTS filter for potential application in the base station receiver of the 3G mobile communication .

研制了一种适用于3G 移动通讯基站接收机的高温超导窄带带通滤波器。

In order to meet the requirement of the Collector ring dipole superconducting magnet of FAIR in the process of operation, meanwhile, and to ensure the heat loads coming from the support structures to be lower than the design demands, the 3D models of support structures have been constructed with CATIA, then the calculation of low-temperature heat-load and the structure analysis have been done with ANSYS, the support structure material, 316LN+G10, is decided according to the heat-load calculation and the structure optimization, these results are necessary for manufacturing the formal magnet.

为保证FAIR收集环(Collector ring-CR)超导二极磁体工作过程中的磁场位形符合设计要求,同时保证由磁体支撑带来的热负荷小于设计要求,用CATIA软件建立了不同结构的磁体支撑3D模型,并用ANSYS有限元分析软件对建立的模型进行了低温热负荷分析和结构分析。通过比较分析的结果和对磁体支撑结构进行的进一步优化,确定了316LN+G10材料的支撑结构,为收集环超导二极磁体工程制造提供了参考。

By combining electromagnetic theory with condensed state physics, we studied the electric skin effect, which consists of the distribution of conductor's induced charge on the surface of the conductor under the state of electrostatic equilibrium, the skin effects of the alternating current and super current.


Crystal lattice constants are close to other experiment results. Three kinds of chemical bonds exist among Mg and B atoms, between magnesium and boride is ionic bond and metallic bond is the predominant interaction in the layer formed by magnesium atoms. A strong covalent bond in the form of sp2 hybrid between boride atoms is the most important factors which can affect the transition temperature of MgB2. Population analysis clearly shows that electrons are transferred from Mg to B, as a result, the electron-phonon coupling in the layer of B is very strong.


The discovery of [60]fullerene made us to learn of a completely new world ofcarbon: from plane molecule of low symmetry to ball shape molecule of highsymmetry, from simple molecule to supermolecule of fullerene clathrate and fromone-dimensional superconductivity to three-dimensional superconductivity.


This means that the charge pairing state may beformed by q-deformed pair-particles which interpose boson and fermion. Therefore,the conclusion of this theis provides a mechanism being helpful to understand thephysical origin of high-〓 superconductivity phenomenon.


There is delocalization effect on d-electron orbit at the same temperature. In addition, in high temperature region, another anomaly is observed at about 200K in recoilless factor.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
