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与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the process of American industrialization, the federal government carried out effective interposition to many aspects of its national economy, which contributed greatly to the promotion of American economic prosperity in the 19th century.


Though early Baudrillard's thought was in the influence of Western Marxism, and his analysis was anchored in Marx's logic of production, he thought that when the era of consumer was coming, the modern Capitalism had been controlled by code, and the external manipulation of power had transmitted into introjection of unconsciousness.


Finally, one of the most inventive forms of creative capitalism involves someone we all know very well.


"Wall Street Inversor" Bernard Madoff (ex-president of NASDAQ y director of Yeshiva Univerrsity in Tel Aviv) has become a symbol of the white collar Banker Mega-fraud which is an integral part of the Extreme Capitalist system (using the Ponzi Scheme Pyramid as its basic model), with his 70 billion dollars stolen from other "investors" ha!..

"华尔街Inversor "伯纳德Madoff (前总统的纳斯达克主任神学院Univerrsity在特拉维夫)已成为一种象征,白领银行家巨型欺诈这是不可分割的一部分极端的资本主义制度(使用庞氏计划金字塔其基本模式),与他的700亿美元来自其他被盗"投资者"

"Wall Street Inversor" Bernard Madoff (ex-president of NASDAQ y director of Yeshiva Univerrsity in Tel Aviv) has become a symbol of the white collar Banker Mega-fraud which is an integral part of the Extreme Capitalist system (using the Ponzi Scheme Pyramid as its basic model), with his 70 billion dollars stolen from other "investors" ha!...

伯纳德Madoff (前总统的纳斯达克主任神学院Univerrsity在特拉维夫)已成为一种象征,白领银行家巨型欺诈这是不可分割的一部分极端的资本主义制度(使用庞氏计划金字塔其基本模式),与他的700亿美元来自其他被盗"投资者"

Some even argue plausibly that this weakness may be irremediable: in any society that, like a capitalist society, seeks to become ever wealthier in material terms, disproportionate rewards are bound to flow to the people who are instrumental in producing the increase in its wealth.


Some even argue plausibly that this weakness may be irremediable : in any society that, like a capitalist society, seeks to become ever wealthier in material terms disproportionate rewards are bound to flow to the people who are inspumental in producing the increase in its wealth.


Some even argue plausibly that this weakness may be irremediable : in any society that, like a capitalist society, seeks to become ever wealthier in material terms disproportionate rewards are bound to flow to the people who are instrumental in produc


Perhaps it is just as well that the 30,000 customers the government says are waiting for an anti-capitalist car should learn to do without one.


Wuhu is an important port in Changjiang River and the largest place of goods congregation and distraction in Wanjiang. With the important station and prosperous economy, Wuhu became a bridge, through which Wanjiang market was opened to the Western. Wuhu was forced to open as a trading port in 1877, foreign jingo arrived one after another.

芜湖是长江中游重要的港口城市,是皖江地区最大的货物集散地,其重要的区域地位和较为繁荣的商贸经济,成为近代外国资本主义打开皖江市场的桥头堡。1877 年,芜湖以"约开"的形式正式对外通商,西方侵略势力蜂拥而至。

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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
