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与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The growing point of Marx's theory of market economy is to criticize the eternity and absoluteness of capitalist market economy.


This model is also known as the "Anglo - Saxon" capitalism or "free capitalism" model.


In this way, the value form of capitalist modes of production is fetishized,and the real essence of exploitation of it is concealed. In addition, Marx pointed out the revolutionary road that is to change the defective reality, to utterly debunk ideology that shelters the truth and acquire the true knowledge about reality. The primary spirit of Marxism is to pursuit the dialectical unity of theory and practice.


By using the train of thought of social ecology that puts the problems of ecology and the problems of society into a synthetic study to examine Ibsen's famous social problem play, An Enemy of the People, we find that Ibsen, starting from his humanist ecological concern for human beings, through his ruthless deconstruction of the real 'world, tears the flowery appearance of the capitalist society into pieces and seriously points out that the capitalist economy gets its development by disregarding people's health, that the bourgeois bureaucratism persecutes the persons holding different political ideas, and that the capitalist propaganda machinery gives up truth and justice.


We must clear that the essenceof social capitalism is still capitalism,it's capitalism transiting to socialism.


Approachingthe idea of nature in capitalist production from the field ofsemiotics, Martin O'Connor (1993) suggests that capital's response toecological crisis has been to represent formerly noncapitalistrealms---the biophysical world, non-industrialized economies, and thehousehold---as reservoirs and stocks of "capital" and therefore nolonger external to capitalism.

原译:Martin O'Connor(1993),在符号学的领域里,分析了资本主义生产中的自然观点,指出:资本对生产危机的反应,已经将以前的非资本主义的领域--生态物理世界、非工业化的经济和家庭--体现为&资本&的储备和存量,因此,也就不再外在于资本主义了。

Zizek uses the old Lacan's psychoanalysis theory in "The Sublime Object of Ideology",pointing out that ideology theory is not false consciousness,but structures the society reality itself,that is not the end of the contemporary ideology,but in the event of restructuring. it is an attack for the ideology of the West End,so the theory has a positive meaning;at the same time,he applies old Lacan thinking to interpret the classic Marxist conclusion that "the real limitation of capitalism is capital itself", to draw the so-called"paradox of capitalism",that is, the more it 'putrefies',the more Its immanent contradiction is aggravated,the more it must revolutionize itself to survive.


In the evolution courseof the Frankfurt School's science ethics thoughts,rational criticism hasalways been emphasized.


Chinese Communist holds absolute negative attitude to capitalism production relations for a long time, the cognition to whose mode of production is indeterminate but be change,the aversion to capitalism is deepseated as a whole;that the author of Marxist classics wipes out consistent private ownership idea has been to put the theoretical source reforming into practice,but then Max has brought forward the objective of a struggle of Communist:Wipe out a private ownership,the understanding of private owner leads to promptness reforming arrival;realize socialist industrialization that capitalism industry and commerce who restores a period is bent solely on profit,profiteer at the expense of others one aspect part shows with national economy is the arrival having driven promptness reforming pro and con.


In This 277 years, the Paris Commune in the French revolution in 1871 for the sector, divided into the first period that is, the advanced capitalist countries in Europe and the U.S.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
