英语人>网络例句>资本主义 相关的搜索结果


与 资本主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The almighty dollar is the only object of worship.


I think the leadership is very much aware of this and will adjust accordingly, there will be an amalgam of socialist concepts and capitalism.


Marxism was attractive to Gompers during his early years working in the factory and being involved in local union activities. However, under the instruction of Karl Ferdinand Laurrell and his own observation in the Tompkins Square riot of 1874, he rejected socialist radicalism as the philosophical orientation while he led the American Federation of Labor for 37 years.

尽管Gompers深受马克思主义薰陶,但是由於Karl Ferdinand Laurrell的思想导引以及早年参加工运的经验,他排拒社会主义的激进改革路线,选择了务实哲学领导工会运动,与美国资本主义经济的发展并肩而行,形塑出美国工会运动的独特性。

We simply replaced godless communism with godless capitalism and created an amoral world.


At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on August 26, Miss Tang Shu-chen presented on the Natural Capitalism – Creating the Next Industrial Revolution , written by Paul Hawken, an environmental economist, along with Amory Lovins and L.


The truth is that this crisis has deep structural causes in the very nature of the system—in the quest for profit, not the satisfaction of human need, and in the anarchic workings of world capitalism.


Choice and competition are essential to robust capitalism, but anathema to a healthy regulatory relationship.


Anciently studying Chinese capitalist sprout was not a true reflection of such characteristic, so we should start all over again.


In the last three decades Britain, the US and other anglo-saxon economies have been experiencing a new type of capitalism.


One source of angst is the sorry state of American capitalism . The


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
